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Despite the unstable market situation in Cryptocurrency industry ,we keep witnessing a sound growth in the industry more then ever . New projects, ideas and technology keep popping out on daily basis . The basis of all these is basically to make live of millions easier . Majority of these existing projects are not purposeful and inefficient .Most of them failed eventually and end up not meeting their Goals.The situation is applicable to Cryptocurrency exchanges space where lots of millions has been lost in investment as a result of hack and in some cases funds misappropriation within the Team of a project. As we all know Cryptocurrency Exchanges are the major backbone of Cryptocurrency Industries . If efficiency and Security is lacking in these Platforms, millions of users will lose interest in the industry , that's why there is need to improve and sanitize the Process of Crytocurrency exchange operation in other to enable mass adoption which will boost the industry growth. There are certain problems associated with cyrptocurrency exchanges which i will mention few of them . Lack of Security , low liquidity platform and high transnational fees and many more. The Developers of Coinxes Exchange after having studied all these problem has come up with a sustainable solution to all these problem in other to improve the process of Cryptocurrency exchange operations for the masses.All thanks to the competent Team. We will discuss more extensively about Coinxes Platform at length in the preceding paragraph.

What is Coinxes Platform all about ?

Coinxes is Digital and Global Cryptocurrency Exchange platform which allows buying and selling of various type of cryptocurrencies .With the decentralized feature of Coinxes Platform users cant transact (P2P) in a very secured and comfortable atmosphere without the fear of Cyber attacks or lost of funds . Coinxes operates in a unique way which makes it very unique among other cryptocurrency exchanges out there. It connects buyers an sellers through escrow smart contract , this feature make it even for secured for the users and ensure their funds safety and smooth trading experience. The Escrow smart contracts ensures funds safety , it releases funds only after the buyer received their payment the supplied payment address. Once good news about Coinxes Platform is that there is no Withdrawal charges in the Platform .

_I will analyse some of the unique features of the Coinxes platform below _

DIGITAL CURRENCY TRADING PLATFORM : P2P PLATFORM The peer to peer system of this exchange ensure anonymity of transaction within the platform. Coinxes provide fastest , easy to use , Cheap and secure platform for users

ANONYMOUS TRANSACTION : Decentralized P2P make transactions very SECURED and anonymous. The Escrow Smart Contract make all transaction very secure which created no room for lost of funds or hack.

OPEN YOUR TRADE FEATURE : Users can easily create trade , this depends on what they want to buy or sell , their region and payment mode required .

SUPPORT MULTI CURRENCY TRANSACTION: The platform offers varieties of CURRENCY for trading , litecoin , etherium, bitcoin , and many more can be traded on Coinxes platform securely and conveniently.

INSTANTANEOUS PAYMENT : Payment are released on instant as long as the buyers made the payment and the escrow got the payment confirmed. The delay withdraw issue which is rampant in different Crytocurrency exchanges has been removed

PRIVACY : The platform guaranteed 100% of your privacy due to its decentralized nature , limited information is required to transact on the platform and your funds are 100% Secured.

FLEXIBILITY OF USE : Traders and buyers can agree on a certain mode of payment . It could be PayPal, Bank wire, Cash , Western Union . Your agreement is what matters. Once the payment is being remitted and the transaction completed , the Escrow smart contract release the funds to the seller and the buyer receive their Digital asset.

A COMPLETE DECENTRALIZED PLATFORM :P2P transaction simply means both parties involved in trade are connecting with the use of digital currency . In this scenario, there is no intermediary . no human intervention , the smart contract makes the payment when a certain condition is met by the buyer .


Creating trade simply depend on the quantity of Cyptocurrency to be offered for Sale or purchase , the Country of origin , the price and the mode of payment . The democratic operating system of Coinxes makes it very unique among other Cryptocurrency exchange platform .Users set their price, mode of payment , their country and their terms and condition.

SECURED TRANSACTION : The transactions on Coinxex platform is 100% secured due to its P2P decentralized nature . The transaction is being administered by the Escrow Smart Contract. The currencies purchased by the buyer is released by the Escrow only when the trade condition is being met by the buyer. No middle man will hold money . Its very safe and transparent.

TRADING MANAGEMENT : Agreement is reached by the the buyers and sellers , trade terms is set , the payment mode , price and amount of Cryptocurrency to be sold is being set . The funds get released once the Escrow Smart contract get it verified .


To round it up,I will say categorically that the Cryptocurrency industries has been producing whats needed for the Sustainability and breakthrough of the industry . Coinxes platform will play lots of positive roles in Crypto industries . The decentralized nature of this Platform will bring in more users to the platform . There are some caliber of users in the industry who doesn't life disclosing their details on internet .We have 50% of them from my own research who are BIG WHALES .Through Coinxes platform Buying and selling of Cryptocurrency can be conducted easily on P2P basis and secured environment without need of third party. I will recommend this class of project worth being invested on . i believe its going to be a very HUGE success .




Official Resources

WEBSITE: http://www.coinxes.io/

WHITEPAPER: http://coinxes.io/whitepaper.pdf

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Coinxesp2p/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/coinxes2

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/coinxes

Authors info

username: Lohladex

Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2328928

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