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7 лет назад

My Sweaty Ball Sack - Флаг на Steemit за то, что он слишком честный и забавный

My Sweaty Ballsack Logo

Happy to know you're not yet offended...

Being offended is a natural thing.. no need to be worried what anybody thinks, IF you are offended.. let everyone know how you feel. Post it, jump on discord and blast it with pride...

I'm fucking offended...

Take a deep breath and think about your offender... Did they get exactly what they deserved. Did you say it loud enough? Did you say it proud enough... 

There's no pride in being offended...

What the fuck are you thinking? We're you expecting something more? Did you expect extreme measures to be taken in order to satisfy your needs.

Nobody gives a shit about your needs...

This is fucking Steemit.. nobody gives a shit and nobody really cares... So I gathered my words and put this piece of shit together..

For Who?

Fuck You That's Who

That's Who...

Call me what you want I'm here to break the news.. I'm bi-polar and every now and again show it. Consider this my occasional rhetoric and believe me in person it's more unstable.The difference from my rants to yours is mine are creative as fuck and nobody hates me for it. It's entertaining as fuck and I get paid for it.

So please keep reading as I'm only warming up for you

It's such a huge discussion now days as whales are being called out and fishes get "Big Man Syndrome"

But Geez @MrWang what is you saying or is it another symptom to...

Don't you dare call me bi-polar and use that shit against me.. Oh yea by the way.. I'm sure I upvoted your blog will you get back on the feed and befriend me too? 

y u no make sense

Believe it or not this is the personality of more then half of you on here... I just learned how to deal with it and occasionally have fun with it.

I use to think I was batshit crazy until I had people like @jsantana follow me, unfollow me, follow me back.. send me a message on discord saying...

"Hi @MrWang.. How's your day going?"

Then unfollow and follow me back 2 times more.

That's when I realized I ain't as bad as I thought I once was...

Did I lose you again? Let me break it down.. Some of you steemians are weird and some of us don't know how to break it to you. Whether it be some enlightening shit or just a stupid meme.. A flag is a flag and it should convince you to...

  • Change your Content
  • Change your ideas
  • Drink a hard glass of scotch
  • Drink a hard shot of whisky
  • Combine them both it's a suicide and I bet you'll be feeling frisky

Bottomline is...

Maybe there is no bottomline but more like Rock Bottom.. Complaining about your flags when you haven't even felt a penniless post. Most of us who soak in success while others find somewhere else to repost. Stop complaining stop pointing fingers looking to blame. Let's all look over our own work and consider some people get on here to post anonymous because in real life their true feelings make them feel ashamed. Yea I know it's crazy isn't it.. but have you considered the fact that It's one of the reasons I found steemit?

Unless you're a bot, I can say we're all human..

So please stop bitching and whining about treatment.. We all have feelings but dammit we're all grown so stop dwelling in it. Whether your a flagger or a complainer stop being a bitch ass nigga and be considerate.

Some of this shit wasn't supposed to rhyme but it just naturally happened.. guess you can say I have a beat going on in my head.. aside from the beating I want to give while I scream racial slurs in. Now call me racist and spoiled like @dailybitcoinnews.. It's all bueno I can take hurtful words too.

So for no rhyme or reason I pieced this shit together..

Hoping I encourage change for the better on this platform and bring us a little closer. This is a random bi-polar translation of my frustrations and I honestly didn't know how to represent this special occasion.

Geez I really do gotta stop rhyming..

It ain't for me but sometimes you gotta step out and put something out there for everybody to pause and actually wonder what the fuck is this madman saying?

This wraps up my rant and holy Jeebus what the fuck was I saying?

Oh yea, that's right.. suck on my sweaty ball sack...

P.S. This post is dedicated to @abit @berniesanders @smooth @dailybitcoinnews @jsantana @krnel @AnybodyWhoBitches-ComplainsOrActsBitchyAboutAnythingSteemitRewardsRelated


### Till Next Time... Adios Amigos To find out more about WANGCHANGE, Check out the links below and find out how you can get in on the filmmaking action.


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