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7 лет назад

Let me indroduce my new funny hero Little John. Funny Stories with Little John vol 1

Litthle John is a very special boy! He is very clever but he is also very naughty! He wiil make you crazy with his reactions and the answers he gives to his teachers questions!

One day, the family of little John, decided to visit the house of a friendly family. But their son, had a peculiarity. He had no ears. So little john parents, advised him not to make any question about the ears of the child and put them in a difficult position. As little John discussed with the child's father said:

  • "Does your son see well?"
  • "Yes very well."
  • "In 20 years? will he see well?"
  • "I think yes he will see well."
  • "In 40 years?Will he see?"
  • "Well, in 40 years, he will probably need glasses."
  • "And where will he support them?

Little Johns teacher calls his mother to go to school to discuss about him.
Teacher: Did you know that little John copies at tests?
Mother: What do you say? The little John would never copy!
Teacher: Listen. I put a test in history. To the question "When did the revolution of Greeks in the 1st World War happened," The boy beside him replied in 1821. This is what little John responded too.
Mother: But this is the correct answer!
Teacher: Yes. But in the question "where Andreas Miaoulis was from" they both answered from Crete, which is wrong.
Mother: They are children! They may made the same mistake!
Teacher: Okay. But in the question "Who was the first Emperor of Byzantium," the boy beside him replied: "I do not know", and little John replied, "Neither do I" !!!

Little John answers the phone:

  • Hello I would like to talk to your mother please.
  • My mother is currently unable to speak because she is shitting. Coming out from the bathroom mom scolded him very badly and told him next time to say "my mother is in the bathroom for her necessity. The next day the phone rings again. Mom is again in the bathroom and little John answers:
  • My mom can not speak because she is in the bathroom for her necessity.
  • Is she going to be late; he asks.
    And Little john replies "- Probably because while she was going into the bathroom she was farting "

Little Johns birthday was coming and he thought that it was a good opportunity to tell his mom what gift he wanted.

  • Mom, little John said , I want a bike for my birthday.
    Little John was a very naughty boy. And at school and at home he was always creating troubles. So his mom asked him if he believes that he deserves a gift.
  • Of course! he said.
    His mother wanted to put her son to think his behavior throughout the time that had passed. So she told him to go to his room and think how he behaved all year, from his previous birthday. "And then," she said, "write a letter to Jesus and explain why you deserve a bike!"
    So, little John went to his room and began to write:

"Dear Jesus,
I was very good boy this year and I would like a bike for my birthday. I prefer red.
Your friend, John."

However little John, knew that what he wrote was not true. He was not a good boy.
So he tore the first letter and began again:

"Dear Jesus,
I am your friend, John. I was a good boy this year and I'd like a red bike for my birthday.
Thank you,
Your friend, John "

But he knew that this was also not true. So, he tore the letter and began again!

"Dear Jesus,
I was okay last year. I would like a bike for my birthday.
John "

Little John knew that neither this letter, he could send it to God. So wrote the ...

I know that I wasn't a good boy this year. I am really sorry. But I'll be a good boy if you send me a bike for my birthday. Please...
John "

The little kid knew that even he was telling the truth, this letter will not bring the bike ... Now he was worried. He went into the kitchen and told his mother that he wanted to go to church. Mom thought that "trick" worked, as she saw little John thoughtful and sad.

  • Go, but come back quickly.
    Little John went to the neighborhood church. He walked in and took a look around to see if anyone else was there. He went to the temple and found a picture of the Virgin Mary. Very carefully he took it, and put it under his coat and left the church running.
    Then he quickly entered the house, he got into his room and took pencil and paper ...

I have kidnapped your mother. If you want to see her again, send me the bike ...
(Signature) You know who you ...!

At Mother's Day the teacher asked the children to write an essay, which ends with the words "There is only one mother."
All the children wrote: my mom loves me with care and "There is only one mother" ...
Little John wrote: Today a friend of my mum came home. My mom asked her what she wanted to drink and her friend replied an orangeade. Then my mom told me to bring two from the refrigerator. When I went to the fridge I saw that there was only one orange and I shouted: "There is only one mother"

In the classroom.
Little john: - Mrs Mrs ... Can I go to the toilet;;;;
Teacher: -When mary returns. You can go.
TOTO: - Then it will be meaningless ... Mrs.

One day Little John got out to the yard of his house to play. That moment dustman passed and asked him:

  • Do you have any garbage?
  • One minute to ask my mom. Mom, Have we any garbage? he asked.
  • Yes, little John.
    And then little John said to yhe dustman:
  • Yes, we do not want!

Little John was wondering why he zeroed at the exam after having all the questions answered correctly:

  • In which battle Leonidas was killed?
  • In his last.

  • where does the Declaration of Independence signed ?
    -At the bottom of the page.

  • If you throw a pebble into a lake, what happens?
  • It will get wet.

  • How can someone survive eight days awake?
  • No problem. He will sleep at night.

  • If you have at your hand three apples and four oranges and in the other hand four apples and three oranges, what you got?
  • Very large hands.

  • If it takes 10 hours with 8 men to build a wall, how long it will take to four men to build it?
  • Zero time, because it is already built.

  • How can you throw an egg on concrete floor without break it?
  • In whatever way you want, the concrete floors do not break.

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