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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Welcome my dear subscribers. Today I will tell you about an interesting project.Creation of fundamentally new developments in the world of virtual applications for games is gaining popularity. There are good reasons for this. First, the number of fans of online games in mobile applications is growing steadily, and secondly-a nice opportunity to make money with your favorite hobby. The online gambling market is successfully operating, which is annually updated with new users and is characterized by an increase in the level of profitability of $ 116 billion. Thus, the industry of development of virtual platforms for video games replenishes its cash reserve exponentially every year. Despite the large increase in income, interesting ideas of developers fail when entering the game business market.

Main problem:

  • a large percentage of profits goes promoted resources on which developers place game content. These include, Google, Apple, Facebook;

  • high competition for developers;

  • creators ' costs for marketing;

  • the cost of many high-quality mobile video games exceeds the material capabilities of users;

  • not all the cool designs you can come out on the gaming market.

In this regard, promising and talented developers are looking for ways to solve problems with monopolists non-standard methods. So the idea of the program Exscudo (EON) was created.

The idea and function of project EON

The ideological founder of the idea is the owner of the venture Fund in the past Aron Liu, a specialist in the field of computer games Tao Hu and a Russian businessman, a leading economist M. Nedzelsky. Consultants: M. Zyda, F. Li, A. Dhawan. The created system of EON blocks will help to fight the giants of the segment in the sphere of virtual games and guaranteed cash flows will remain at the disposal of developers.

Basic idea:

  • curators of management in the group system will be seo-developers and gamers;

  • blockchain, smart contracts will ensure the safety of the computer game;

  • creation of transaction records to correct the errors of the system when withdrawal of money from network revenues;

  • organization of joint work of a group of gamers, marketers, technical developers.

What opportunities carries a token?

The EON platform operates on the principle of blockchain, which will support the financial component of the system. Block chain technology (a group of computers linked together by means of playing together) was a breakthrough in the gambling industry. The idea of creating the system appeared at the end of 2014 and was a great success. You can transfer money to the platform and support computer applications from electronic wallets, using cryptocurrency. With the advent of virtual coins Ethereum, the development of the gaming business began to gain momentum and move faster. Linking to ETN made video games safe, the level of fake traffic decreased. Many games have become available, simple with free access. The idea of the EON platform allows you to control the system, motivate beginners to participate in games, improve the quality of the video game. To control the functions of the service within the blockchain of the chain.

Description of standard register entries of the EON platform:

  • 2.1 billion EON tokens issued;

  • the price of 1 token in ETH is 21 thousand EON;

  • maximum hardcap-100 thousand Ethereum;

  • minimum payment-30 thousand Ethereum;

If it is not possible to reach the Soft Cap value to continue the project, all funds are returned to the owners. The start of the work of the joint group, holders of money, resources, startups, companies that are part of the ICO will be held in late July 2018.

The tokens are divided in this way:

  • the reserve Fund is – 20%;

  • for sale-30%;

  • preservation of tokens for a period of 4 years-10%;

  • curators, reserve Fund-10%;

  • bounty program (20 million EON = 600 thousand dollars) with advertising in social networks – 30%.

The advantages of the platform EON

The project will help to solve the problem with monopolists in the game world, which will reduce the cost of developers to promote and marketing projects. Thus, the site will provide a number of tasks:

  • development and expansion of the gambling market;

  • the platform itself will search for users in the system;

  • creation of favorable community and affiliate relations;

  • work of a team of first-class EON specialists of different nationalities;

  • engaging consultants with years of experience in the gaming industry;

  • provide fast player-to-game communication»;

  • support the financial cooperation of the players and the creators of the projects will provide a token EON, which guarantees the Commission of a quick, transparent and safe deals;

  • receiving bonuses by blockchain participants in case of successful development of the project.

Gamers and developers of computer games will be able to make a big profit, the opportunity to earn extra money from SEO game developers. The project will help to destroy the old monopoly system, will give a chance to developers to enter the virtual reality market and receive rewards for their work.


Website: http://eontoken.io

Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/yuhe5nc

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EonToken

Telegram: https://t.me/eontoken

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4431010

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951


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