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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

About Smart Container


Have you heard about Smart Containers Group? Do you want to know what exactly it is and how it is related to the food industry? It is a Swiss-based high-tech Company designed to offer best temperature-controlled containers for transporting sensitive pharma products and food across the globe. The company works with the objective of transporting sensitive foods safely to ensure that everyone will receive a good quality product.

The containers will come with an innovative and advanced technology to offer the desired benefits. There will be a unique combination of highly efficient software, cutting-edge technology, and smart services to help people to get the best quality and safe food. People find it ideal for investment as it deals with the safety of sensitive food.

What is the objective?

As mentioned earlier, this company has come into existence to offer safe food to people all over the world. They make the containers protected by a temperature controller. These containers can be used to transport sensitive food and medical items globally.

This company is highly appreciated by the investors for two reasons. First of all, it is not a new addition to the crypto industry. It is a pre-established company that has been a good reputation for serving people for the last five years. It claims to be the largest player in a specific niche- temperature controlled containers to transport perishable good.

In addition, it is a great combination of three independent business models. These are the SkyCell, FoodGuardians, and a general logistic platform. SkyCell works as the pharmaceutical arm of this group and FoodGuardians acts as the perishable food arm. The logistics platform will cover the goods that need transportation to large distances.

They have two tokens, SMARC and LOGI. SMARC is designed to entitle holders to share twenty percent of the net profit by both FoodGuardians and SKyCell. For the logistic platform, there will be a separate token, LOGI. The LOGI token will be used as a utility token.

Why is it different?

The process will be safe and transparent as it will be powered by the blockchain technology. Besides, it is an existing company with physical products, expenses, and revenues. The company is operational. It is better than other ICOs as these are the startup companies with no track record.

The company has skill and experience with a roadmap to offer long-term benefits. The Skycell is a part of this company and it has a strong partnership with Emirates and Cargolux. All these things prove the credibility of the company and inspire the investors to consider the company for investment.

Is there any innovation?

The company has entered into ICO industry with an innovative idea. It deals with the food and safe transportation. It has a professional team and focuses more on the advanced technologies on logistics for temperature controlled refrigerated containers. The main areas will be the followings.

• There will be reusable containers for temperature sensitive that will offer a cost-effective option.

• The refrigerated pharma containers will come with 0.1% temperature. The market average is 8.5 %.

• The tracking and shipment will be accurate and transparent as it will be powered by the blockchain technology. It will avoid any confusion on document and container as well.

• Logistic platform to cover the sensitive food and medical items.

Token sale

You will have two tokens for the logistic platform and SkyCell and FoodGuardians. When the first one will ensure twenty percent profit sharing, the second one will enable the investors to utilize the integrated and seamless shipping process. The documentation and other things will be managed by the blockchain technology.

SMARC token sale

Total Supply: 150 million

Tokens available in ICO: 120 million (Eighty percent)

Hard Cap: $36 million USD.

Token Price: $0.432 USD per SMARC.

LOGI token sale

Total token sale: 100 million

Token available in ICO: 20 million (Twenty percent)

Hard Cap: $4 million USD.

Token Price: $0.285 USD per LOGI



Smart Containers has come with an innovative idea for the safe transportation of the sensitive food. Their entire process will be safe and hassle-free as it will be powered by the blockchain technology. The roadmap is also clear and designed to make the transportation seamless and to cover all parts of the world. The team is experienced and they are using the cutting-edge technology and advanced software to make the process efficient and to win the trust of investors. If you are interested to know more about this company, you can visit https://smartcontainers.ch/.

Website: http://smartcontainers.ch/
Whitepaper: https://goo.gl/g3edH2
Telegram: https://t.me/smartcontainers
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3058528.0


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