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6 лет назад

AQUA INTELLIGENCE - To Monetize and Validate Personal Data

AQUA Intelligence is a data-driven platform on the blockchain that enables consumers to monetize and validate their personal data.

Aqua Intelligence is a blockchain platform that allows users to safely transfer their personal data and monetize the hotel business. Using artificial intelligence, this project should contribute to increasing the benefits from both the hotels themselves (sellers) and the buyers.

It will improve sales, increase the efficiency of hotels, increase profits and attract new customers. In addition, customers who become members of AQUA Mobile will be able to earn AQX tokens, which they can pay for products and services of hotels participating in this project.

Also, tourists can centrally manage their travels, ask questions and instantly receive answers to them, interact with other members of the project using the mobile application AQUA Mobile.

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**About AQUA
**What is AQUA Intel?

AQUA Intelligence (AQI) is a data driven platform on the blockchain that enables consumers to monetize and validate their personal data. Based on these trusted data, AQI creates comprehensive profiles for each consumer. Such profiles will not be shared with any third party and AQI will enforce strict privacy policies for data protection. By leveraging artificial intelligence and other tools, the profiles allow businesses to improve its sales, operational efficiency, profits and the consumer’s experiences. This platform is powered by AQX, a utility token.

What problem does AQUA Intel solve?

Current enterprise vendors rely on data that are often incomplete, inaccurate and unorganized when offering products and services to consumers. With AQI, consumers will be able to earn AQX tokens while providing data inputs, validating their existing information and participating in surveys and other activities. With accurate and validated data on the blockchain along with analysis by AI, AQI enables vendors to provide better services and more meaningful and personalized offers to their customers. Personalized offers allow businesses to compete more effectively and reduce sales through third party online services.

**How does it work?
AQUA Intel consists of 3 components: AQUA Mobile App, AQUA Intel, and AQUA RMS.

AQUA Intel:

AQUA Intel is the core of the platform where data is gathered, processed and analyzed. Profiles will be created from consumer inputs through AQM, spending history at retail partners, social media and online sources as well as data from other consumer applications. AQI interfaces with partner’s reservation services and loyalty programs. AI will be used to analyze data, perform online searches, provide responses and make actionable suggestions for consumers and vendors. AQI can also generate marketable data to meet specific needs of vendors.

**AQUA Mobile App (AQM):
Using AQM, consumers can earn tokens for providing input, validating existing data and participating in other activities such as surveys and reviews. The data provided is securely encrypted on AQUA’s private blockchain. They can also use AQM to manage all their loyalty points across various providers in addition to making travel and dinning arrangements. Tokens can be converted into loyalty points, earn discounts and make payments for services at participating businesses.

Utilizing artificial intelligence, consumers can get real time answers for all travel related questions through conversational UI. They can also share experiences and develop relationships with other members.

The goal is to create the most popular travel and lifestyle app for consumers to use regularly for managing tasks, getting answers and making connections.

AQUA Revenue Management System (AQUA RMS):

Using consumer profiles created and other macro information, such as weather and events, AQUA RMS enables vendors to provide personalized product and service offerings to enhance their profits.

AQUA RMS can provide automated ongoing personalized communications and promotions to customers to nurture relationships while enhancing sales opportunities. With understanding of consumer’s specific interests, only relevant and meaningful promotional offers will be made.

AQUA RMS can also help vendors to identify target audience for delivery of specific promotion and messages.

AQUA RMS can conduct market research for vendors and special interest groups to gain better understanding of consumer’s interests and desires. AQUA RMS can also conduct customer satisfaction surveys and make actionable suggestions to address issues.

With the ability for consumers to convert tokens into loyalty points and earn discounted pricing, businesses can expand their product and services to more consumers.

AQUA Private Blockchain


Trusted Consumer Profile
A secure, comprehensive profile system built on the blockchain based on validated data.

More Revenue
Increase revenue opportunities for hospitality businesses with more meaningful data.

AI + Prediction
Artifical Intelligence and data generate valuable insight and predictions for hotels.

Loyalty Points
Maximize the benefits of loyalty programs for both consumers and hotels.

API Access
We plan to make our data and profiles avaiable to be easily integrated with other systems.

Rewards and Bonuses
Powered by our token ecosystem to reward consumers for their patronage and data.

AQX is a token for the hospitality industry. Consumers use tokens to redeem products and/or services from taking an interest hotel partners similarly as hospitality rewards points are earned and spent.

AQX connected in AQUA value proposition – partners can use AQX token or reliability points to pay for AQUA Intelligence service. AQX can be obtained through dependability, cooperation, social interaction, advancement and more.

Token Sale Details

Token Name: AQUA (AQX)
Standard: Ethereum ERC20 (Utility based)
Price per Token: $ 0.25 USD
Pre-Sale: May 17th – July 30th, 2018
Pre-Sale Cap: $ 20,000,000 USD
Crowdsale: July 30-September 30, 2018
Crowdsale Cap: $ 25,000,000 USD
Total Hard Cap: $ 50,000,000 USD (225M AQX Tokens)
Pre-sale Details

Hard Cap Pre-Sale AQUA token: $ 20,000,000 USD
Currency received: ETH
Token exchange rate: 1 AQX = 0.25 USD in ETH
Number of tokens per one person: unlimited
Least transaction sum in Ethereum: $ 10 USD in ETH
Most extreme transaction sum in Ethereum: Unlimited (in Hard Cap)
Start date: May 7, 2018
End date: July 7, 2018

The bonus scale is set as follows for Pre-Sale:

15% Bonus until May eleventh
12% Bonus up to 25 May
9% Bonus up to 15 June
6% Bonus up to 30 June
3% Bonus up to July 30th
0% Bonus up to 30 September


For mоrе іnfоrmаtіоn, рlеаѕе visit:
Website: https://aquaintel.io/

Whitepaper: https://aquaintel.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/AQUA-TOKEN-SALE-One-Pager.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aqua.intelligence/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aqua_intel

Telegram: https://t.me/aquaintel

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aquaintelligence/


My BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1530135

0.035 GOLOS
На Golos с August 2018
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