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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

SWIDEX "The Swiftlance - A Decentralized Outsourcing Platform

Blockchain technology brought about by Bitcoin makes it possible for individuals and organizations to run a currency known as digital currency as an application on a network in a decentralized manner. This technology gives individuals the opportunity to create their own specialized cryptocurrency for laudable projects and also give other individuals the opportunity to key into such projects by purchasing tokens of projects that interest them.
Individuals can mint cryptos and other individuals can own such cryptos by taking part in crowdsales and ICOS. But all these cryptos are useless without an exchange. An exchange is a platform that functions as a market place where cryptos are listed and cryptos users or holders are given the opportunity to exchange one crypto for another or convert their cryptos to fiat currency.
There are many of such exchanges in existence but these exchanges are not devoid of challenges. Some of the challenges faced by some of the popular exchanges in existence are limiting the mass adoption of cryptos by some well established organizations and individuals. Some of such challenges include:

Security challenges
Lack of transparency in exchange operations
Unauthorized freezing of users’ accounts and loss of funds
Lack of regulation compliance
Slow transaction speed and high transaction charges. Etc
All these challenges are what SWIDEX has come to address as they have developed tokenized decentralized application that will be built on Ethereum protocol. It aims to provide a completely decentralized exchange that is eco-friendly, fast and secured for P2P digital assets trading.


Swidex is a tokenized decentralized application that will be built on Ethereum protocol. It aims to provide a completely decentralized exchange that is eco-friendly, fast and secured for P2P digital assets trading. Ethereum Blockchain is adopted because Ethereum was one of the early cryptocurrencies that emerged in the Blockchain industry. Swidex aims to provide a decentralized P2P trading platform with smart contract technology. A world where users trade digital assets with equanimity. A burning protocol will be integrated into Swidex smart contract where Swidex tokens will slowly be burn until 30 percent (1.5 billion) of the total supply is successfully burned. Swidex will offer dividends in form of Ethereum (Eth) quarterly to holders of Swidex tokens. This is to reward Swidex token holders as stakeholders of Swidex.

Swidex aims to provide a decentralized P2P trading platform with smart contract technology. A world where users trade digital assets with equanimity. A burning protocol will be integrated into Swidex smart contract where Swidex tokens will slowly be burn until 30 percent (1.5 billion) of the total supply is successfully burned.
Swidex will offer dividends in form of Ethereum (Eth) quarterly to holders of Swidex tokens. This is to reward Swidex token holders as stakeholders of Swidex.


Centralized exchanges are controlled and managed by a central administrator, several inherent problems are associated with the use of CEX. There are numerous stories of users’ accounts frozen or depleted without genuine explanation or reasons. More so, numerous security breaches have been reported in millions of dollars leading to tremendous loss of users’ assets, and eventual shutdown of the exchange.

Since centralized exchanges are controlled and managed by a central administrator,
several inherent problems are associated with the use of CEX. There are numerous stories of users’ accounts frozen or depleted without genuine explanation or reasons. More so, numerous security breaches have been reported in millions of dollars leading to tremendous loss of users’ assets, and eventual shutdown of the exchange.


Swidex is a DAPP and token protocol that provides an open peer to peer decentralized trading platform that is instant, fast and secured where its users are able to eliminate intermediary barriers and controls of the centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Swidex is not controlled by a central administrator or entity but it offers a platform where users are empowered to trade directly within themselves on the term they choose.


  • Fast and Secure mode of Payment
  • Experts readily available for various online tasks
  • User-friendly platform
  • Link experts with potential clients via swiftlance
  • Low Fee
  • Provide database to view experts past works and reviews

The Team has also carefully provided Customer protection policy which includes;

  • KYC for Experts
  • Both the Experts and Clients will be protected from fraud
  • Milestone payment will be made available to build trust.
  • 24/7 online support for dispute resolutions

Token Details

Token name: Swidex

Ticker: SWDX

Total Suppy: 5,000,000,000 SWDX

Seed Funding/private sales: 2,500,000,000 SWDX (50%)

Team/Advisors: 15%( To be locked for 1years)

Airdrop SWL holders: 5%
Promotion/Marketing: 5%
Partnerships: 5%
Dividends/Rewards: 5%
Token reserve/future development: 15%

Swidex tokens is built on Ethereum Blockchain, ERC-20 with a total supply of 5,000,000,000 (5bn) SWDX. SWDX is the native token of Swidex, serve as fuel for the exchange. It enables liquidity and powers open, fast and secured transactions between users of Swidex.



Antonio Rakib: FOUNDER/CEO

Founder Swiftlance & Swidex

Blockchain & crypto enthusiast. Focused on research, Blockchain development & mass adoption of cryptocurrency globally.


Operations Manager Swiftlance & Swidex

Combinationof skills and knowledge in Blockchain technology, marketing, public relations and market research.


Co-founder & Blockchain developer/programmer Swiftlance & Swidex Dev. Valuation Analyst & Web designer.

Vast knowledge and experience in experimenting with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Solidity, dabbling with Python and Ruby. Wide exposure in cryptocurrency world and experience in Blockchain industry.


WEBSITE: http://swidex.trade/

WHITEPAPER: http://swidex.trade/swidex.pdf

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Swiftlanceoutsourcingplatform

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/swiftlance1/

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@swiftlance.org/

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UPqAT78/

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Swidex/

BOUNTY GROUP: https://t.me/swidexbounty/

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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