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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Most buyers rely more on the reviews of real people than on abstract advertising, so that they have the right impression about the products or services they offer. That is why at present every company is trying to find a way to get to know consumers' opinion about their activities in order to further improve the offered goods or services. http://rateonium.com/

Since consumers often do not want to leave reviews due to lack of anonymity, confidentiality, and lack of any incentive, it is important to encourage users who leave feedback companies. Only when the above conditions are met, each user will want to share his opinion about the product or service. In addition, with the quality and reliability of the feedback left, consumers will be more able to trust the reviews, and the presence of trust between the buyer and the company will help make the customer the right choice. Undoubtedly, the presence of a system that allows buyers and customers not only to quickly and inexpensively compile a review of the company, but also receive a fee for each review, will encourage some users to write reviews and help with the choice of the company to others.

An example of such a system is the global rating system Rateonium (http://rateonium.com/), developed over the past few years by experts from various sectors of the economy. To create it, the experience of different branches of the economy was combined and analyzed. This system has many advantages, one of the most important is guaranteed by users a high degree of protection of personal data due to the implementation of various technologies of anonymity. Moreover, the Rateonium network has an improved rating system designed for a wide range of users and connecting customers with companies they have not previously met. In the process of developing the system, the ideas and requirements of users were identified and summarized, the implementation of which can indicate that an ideal system has been created that satisfies the needs of both companies and buyers. To such requirements it is possible to carry:

  • Reliability of reviews. Certainly, such systems as Rateonium (http://rateonium.com/) are obliged to control the reliability of each review. In this system, monitoring is carried out through two-way verification of each review. Thus, only fulfilling this requirement can ensure complete mutual trust between the company and the buyers.
    Complete anonymity and reliable protection of each user's personal data.
  • Ease of use. Users will be able to find and view reviews using various search criteria, as well as reviews created at the current location. It should be noted that there is a convenient and easy-to-use application that can allow users to quickly and easily create new reviews on the activities or products of companies. Moreover, the possibility of using this application around the world will increase the comfort and prevalence of the system among a wide range of users.
  • Receiving rewards. Despite the fact that this condition does not correspond to the idea of the system as a whole, it will unequivocally stimulate the distribution of the system among a wide range of consumers. The idea is to develop a cryptocurrency, which can be obtained for each quality review created by the user. In other words, by performing such ordinary things as writing reviews for a particular service or product, a user can regularly receive "bonuses" and then exchange them for another crypto currency.

In general, this system can be called a very interesting project (http://rateonium.com/).
The main goal of Rateonium (http://rateonium.com/) is to evaluate the performance of companies by buyers. On the one hand, the reviews added to the system help to make a choice for other users; on the other hand, the authors of the reviews will be able to receive cryptocurrency (tokens) for each qualitative and reliable review, which can easily be exchanged for any other crypto currency. Thus, by providing, it would seem, insignificant service to others, they themselves receive a reward. The presence of an easy-to-use application with a user-friendly interface makes it possible to use the system at any time and anywhere in the world.

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