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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve. Blockchain protocol works at an intensity without public doubt, every history that occurs is stored and published without a single person and tool capable of changing its correctness.


Ethereum card has technology that functions as financial management to help companies, individuals in each transaction, this technology will make transactions easier and safer. This feature supports escrow services that have been built on ethereum networks that have gone through several processes and applicable rules.

Ethereumcard uses Multidimensional contracts as a technology to increase transactions at lower costs, using ledgers, block chains as validators licensed according to cryptographic economics. This technology will help and provide transactions with large volumes with little cost and eliminate third parties, multidimensional contracts are built on a personal ethereum card blockchain that serves to provide feedback that replicates the original transaction but the amount of debit becomes the amount of credit and vice versa, this system will bring up transactions the original and the feedback will automatically be authorized by blockchiain which will keep a history of each transaction.


Ethereum Premium is an ERC20 token built on the ethereum blockchain, Ethereum premium is a token that is willing to be use as money transfer among employees and employers in a easiest way without third party. It is secured and faster as well. It is now possible to manage of salaries, and do some other inter companies transactions with out third-parties.
Ethereum Premium acts as a medium for peer-to-peer exchanges among companies and their employees. This provides product-service schemes, where goods and services can be directly rented or shared from the individuals or businesses in the same ETHPR network in real-time. All transactions in this economy will be secured by the network via smart contracts.


  1. A core part of our technology is artificial intelligence. Learning value creation, transfer, and spending patterns will benefit both employers and employees. Investments and operations will be run by smart agents that understand the needs and requirements of the business.

  2. All these services are secured and with the lowest possible fees by building on the Ethereum blockchain. This unique technology combined with artificial intelligence and machine learning expertise we have opens a new future for value storage and transfer.

  3. As the value will exist in a common ecosystem shared by many businesses and employees, the intra- and inter- company transfers will be effortless and natural with lowest fees. This allows continuous and frequent transfers, thus fast and efficient circulation of value.

  4. Ethereum Premium provides a platform to store and transfer value for enterprises. We in particular target small and medium enterprises, to allow them to manage and transfer parts of their funds easily and conveniently, without involving any third parties including banks.

  5. For many businesses, it is almost impossible to create a bank to store its own value. The value stored and transferred as Ethereum Premium will continue to exist in the same system fully controlled by the value owner, allowing to utilize the available funds similar to a bank.

  6. Payments of any kind including salaries made via Ethereum Premium will pour into the same value pool. This is a joint pool shared by employees and employers, naturally bounding their interests together. The value in the pool can be invested or utilized for projects.


  1. Ethereumcard combines several features to help companies and individuals increase transactions using blockchain and crypto, this system will help you transact globally throughout the world.
  2. wallet with sophisticated security that will protect your assets.
  3. Escrow service to help your business
  4. Mainnet will connect the two wallets to send a reversal confirmation on the blockchain for authorization.


Ethereum card token is a smart contract to transmit funds throughout the world through the ETHC token, the ETHC token is a decentralized currency that acts as a ledger that records all transactions that occur.

The Ethereum Card Token (ETHCD) is instant distribution and it is automatically transferred to the buyer wallet instantly; upon the confirmation of investor contribution on the blockchain network. However, if the ICO sale of ETHCD is not suitable for all investors since we have received many requests to go for IEO because it’s in vogue now for all traders and investors around the world. If happened that hard cap did not reach, then announcement of IEO platform will be broadcast in all our social channels and platform for all investors.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Website: https://ethereumcard.org/

Whitepaper: https://ethereumcard.org/Whitepaper_V2-eng.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/ethereum_card

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ethereum_card

Medium: https://medium.com/@ethereum_card

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/EthereumCard

Username: psalmyblinks

bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2522636

Eth Add: 0x8cdb3c1607847b16db3b9666518179b7f0465440

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