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5 лет назад

Ethereum Premium

As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

Blockchain could have a noteworthy potential on the two sides of the business relationship, from the capacity for individuals to look after – and control access to – a complete, dependable blockchain-based record of their instruction, abilities, preparing and work environment execution. By furnishing potential businesses with access to this "esteem visa", people would almost certainly turn their abilities, preparing and experience into certified an incentive in the work advertise.

By applying examination to the information, organizations would almost certainly coordinate people to jobs considerably more precisely and successfully.

Which conveys us to Peer 2 Peer Global system, who works in helping the individuals who run over startling money related lose when they become jobless. By utilizing the most recent Blockchain innovation consolidated and trigger executed shrewd contracts, P2P has turned into the first blockchain based stage to utilize publicly supporting to approve and grant subsidizing to address the money related strain of joblessness. We do as such in a basic, trusting and secure way.

Ethereum Premium characterizes a novel biological system of significant worth by joining the qualities of the blockchain innovation and man-made brainpower. Beneath the group gives a portion of the fundamental highlights they support. They are right now dealing with the subtleties of the stage, use-cases, and logical and specialized framework.

Moreover, Ethereum Premium is an ERC20 token based on the ethereum blockchain, Ethereum premium is a token that is eager to be use as cash exchange among representatives and businesses in a most straightforward manner without outsider. It is verified and quicker also. It is currently conceivable to oversee of pay rates, and do some other entomb organizations exchanges without outsiders.

The world is currently going crypto's yet appears to be vast measure of organizations as yet confronting exchanges delay, working getting irritated before accepting his compensation in the interim banks is the primary issue, these are some of issues Etherum premium have come to deal with for us.

Etherum Premium exchanges charge is likewise low and helpful for anybody to utilize either as an installment or for quite a while venture.

Ethereum Premium gives a stage to store and exchange an incentive for ventures. We specifically target little and medium undertakings, to enable them to oversee and exchange portions of their assets effectively and helpfully, without including any outsiders including banks.

For some organizations, it is practically difficult to make a bank to store its own esteem. The esteem put away and exchanged as Ethereum Premium will keep on existing in a similar framework completely constrained by the esteem proprietor, permitting to use the accessible finances like a bank.

Installments of any sort including compensations made through Ethereum Premium will fill a similar esteem pool. This is a joint pool shared by representatives and managers, normally bouncing their interests together. The incentive in the pool can be contributed or used for undertakings.

A center piece of our innovation is man-made brainpower. Learning esteem creation, exchange, and spending examples will profit the two bosses and workers. Speculations and activities will be controlled by brilliant operators that comprehend the necessities and prerequisites of the business.

Every one of these administrations are verified and with the most reduced conceivable expenses by structure on the Ethereum blockchain. This special innovation joined with man-made brainpower and AI ability we have opens another future for esteem stockpiling and exchange.

As the esteem will exist in a typical biological system shared by numerous organizations and workers, the intra-and between organization exchanges will be easy and characteristic with most reduced charges. This permits consistent and visit exchanges, hence quick and effective dissemination of significant worth.

The Etherum Premium Details:

Contract address: 0xb4f5438c3c2a682da351ab6b57edc8530efd67be

Symbol: ETHPR

Total Supply: 10,000,000

Decimals: 4

Compatible Wallet:






Pre-sale Details

Reserved for Pre-Sale: 2,500,000 ETHPR

Only for the first 3 purchases:

2 ETH - 20,000 ETHPR +% 150 BONUS = 50,000 ETHPR

1 ETH - 10,000 ETHPR + 100 BONUS = 20,000 ETHPR

0.5 ETH - 5,000 ETHPR +% 50 BONUS = 7,500 ETHPR

0.1 ETH - 1,000 ETHPR +% 25 BONUS = 1,250 ETHPR

Sell ​​Start: 5th of DEC

Pre-Sales End: Date 1 JAN or When all pre-sale quotas are sold

September '17

Birth of ideas and preparation for the initial stage

November '17

Development based on the Ethereal blockchain with smart contracts

December '17

Airdrop, Bounty & Pre-Sale

January '18

End of bounty and airdrop, transition to sell tokens

February '18

End of sales of tokens, expanded into market listings in several major markets

March '18

Expansion of wallet development team (for Android and iOS) Entering a larger market

July '18

Started a large-scale launch of business with partners Completion of technical infrastructure

November '18

Complete agreements with selected companies and the beginning of integration

March '19

The first transaction with an Ethereal Premium Card

For more information, please visit:
Website: http://www.ethereumpremium.com/

Whitepaper: http://www.ethereumpremium.com/#whitepaper

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ethereumpremium

Telegram: https://t.me/ethereumpremium

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2530118.0

Author TheJohnMatch


0.109 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2019
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