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‘Eureka’ (ICO Review) — The Next-Generation Open Science Platform — Powered By Blockchain

The team behind the Swiss open access publisher ScienceMatters announced today they are developing a pioneering blockchain-based peer to peer scientific data publishing peer review and rating platform, which is expected to have a far-reaching impact within the $25 billion scientific publishing industry. This would be the world’s first blockchain based scientific publishing, rating and funding platform that aims to revamp the science publishing sector.

EUREKA is a scientific review and rating platform fuelled by the EUREKA token from EKA Blockchain Solutions GmbH. Blockchain has the capacity to open science and make research findings immutable, transparent and decentralised. EUREKA revolutionises the scientific publishing and reviewing process by making it more efficient and fair using the EUREKA token to compensate all parties involved. Scientific discoveries can now be openly rated and rewarded based on the quality of the research.

Science matters

ScienceMatters is a scientific online publishing platform. The team behind ScienceMatters is also behind the EUREKA platform. After launching in 2016, ScienceMatters has operated multiple journals and covers all aspects of science publishing. In the same year the company was endorsed by the European Commission. It has 24 scientific advisory board members chaired by the Nobel laureate Prof. Tom Südhof and around 600 editorial board members from some of the best institutes around the world, such as Harvard University, Stanford University, ETH and the Max-Planck Institute.

How it works?Revelation Time stamping of scientific data

Scientific observations are timestamped, hashed and recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. This gives the author or inventor immediate ownership rights, and ensures scientists’ and researchers’ discoveries are tamper-proof.

Evaluation Peer-to-peer evaluation

Scientific observations undergo crowdsourced, peer-to-peer reviews which are transmitted and recorded on the EUREKA platform. The EUREKA platform will make use of crowdsourced wisdom and reviewers to get fast, accurate evaluations of the work, instead of being restricted to one or two reviewers, as is common practice.

Worth assignment Rating

The EUREKA platform’s crowdsourced scoring of scientific work will provide researchers as well as publishers with a new metric that can be used to evaluate submissions more swiftly. Preprints or observations with ratings and reviews will be archived through the EUREKA decentralised and distributed system. In cases where the author wants to publish in a traditional journal, the scores can be transferred to the journals. The test scores are also available to funders, universities and prize or awards committees.

Award Funding research, career, awards and prizes

EUREKA will have the first blockchain-based scientific rating system, preprint server and single observation platform that provide reliable, immutable scores and data that can be transferred on the blockchain to funders, institutions and directly to journals. Sources of funding could make decisions based on ratings and reviews on the EUREKA platform.

Data analytics AI-based prediction e.g. drug discovery

An artificial intelligence-based prediction tool will make use of ScienceMatters’ algorithm which identifies related studies and observations by cross referencing annotations and links them to form a narrative. This technology could be leveraged to predict targets for drug development.

EUREKA brings the Blockchain

EUREKA Blockchain Solutions GmbH (incorporation and registration in process), will become a provider of technology to publishers both indirectly and directly, and will develop all the blockchain-based technology to enable a more efficient and trustworthy publishing process by introducing the EUREKA Platform for timestamping discoveries, rewarding reviewers and decentralising publishing. Furthermore, the EUREKA token powers the REWARD system, which supports to solve fundamental issues inherent to the current scientific research systems. This allows publishing houses, such as ScienceMatters, to be a single observation publishing house while running their operations over the technology platform provided by EUREKA Blockchain Solutions GmbH. Publishing houses will pay license fees to EUREKA Blockchain Solutions GmbH for the use and integration of the EUREKA Platform.

Problems and Solutions

Academia is facing well-documented serious challenges from current models for scholarly publishing including:

  1. Long delays in publishing research
  2. Overreliance of trust in researchers, peer reviewers and publishers that creates irreproducibility and unreliability in science
  3. Absence of fair credit for contribution

EUREKA’s REWARD system aims to solve the current problems by allowing:

  • Publishing in real-time: From the moment of their conception, scientific observations are recorded on the EUREKA platform as single observations or preprints giving the author or inventor:
  • Immediate ownership rights and instantaneous credit and recognition.
  • Instantaneous feedback from peers.
  • Instantaneous and open sharing with the scientific community.
  • Crowdsourced and paid peer-reviewing: By using a blockchain based platform we:
  • Make use of both crowdsourced wisdom and time zones to get a faster and more accurate evaluation of the work.
  • Ensure the review process is bias-free and based on merit alone.
  • Enable smart-contract based payments to compensate authors, reviewers, as well as anyone who contributes to the advancement (development) of the work for their efforts.
  • Immutable, transparent and decentralised publishing: Publishing on the EUREKA platform ensures that archived data is immutable, timestamped; version controlled, and securely distributed thus providing an ideal system for research data management that does not put trust on either the publishers or authors.


Although, the blockchain-based system aims for decentralisation, a centralised backend provides a convenience layer to access the blockchain. Besides this backend, the infrastructure consists of a frontend part and a blockchain part. The frontend is a web browser that gets its content from the backend. The frontend needs to have MetaMask installed which provides a web3 interface to Ethereum.

The EUREKA Token (EKA)

EUREKA tokens and platform are used for:

  • Submitting articles for review
  • Proving ownership of observations and research output with timestamping
  • Up voting and down voting articles with EKA micropayments
  • Voting for awards and prizes
  • Paying the submission fee, which includes a fee for operating costs and a variable fee to reward two or more peer reviewers?
  • Automatically connecting peer reviewers with manuscript submissions
  • REWARD ratings from peer reviewers can be used anywhere
  • Rewarding peer reviewers, authors for citations and for having exceptional REWARD ratings
  • Research funding using smart contracts: Releasing funds for studies, peer review once conditions have been met
  • Token pledges, awards and prizes contributed by organisations for scientists and researchers to reach set milestones and help solve society’s problems
  • Decentralised, peer-to-peer crowdfunding from the general public to directly pay scientists around the world to conduct research studies on the EUREKA Platform into under
  • researched diseases and ailments
  • In the EUREKA Marketplace as a quality measure for research proposals

Token Sale

  • Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH
  • Token Ticker Symbol: EKA
  • Public Sale Price per Token ($): 0.10
  • Total supply (#): 298,607,040
  • Tokens for ICO Sale (#): 149,303,520
  • Hard Cap ($): 14,930,3521
  • Soft Cap ($): 2,000,000

Token Allocation

Use of funds

Percentage breakdown of the anticipated cost categories related to the development and marketability of the EUREKA Platform estimated over the next 5 years.

  • Tech development (50%) — Team of software engineers with experience in web application and blockchain application development. This financing allows for the rollout of the EUREKA token platform.
  • Marketing, sales, promotion, PR (22%) — Marketing and sales costs (marketing team, sales team, offline marketing initiatives, online marketing spending, ongoing PR and media relations, promotional activities for EUREKA, including events.
  • General and administrative expenses (28%) — Consists of management, business development, legal and further general and administrative costs.


Supporters of EUREKA and ScienceMatters


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