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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


For successful trading of digital assets, we need trading platforms that meet all requirements. But most trading platforms have a number of significant problems and shortcomings.

Below we list the problems faced by beginners and professional traders:

  1. Security issue:
    Security is the most important aspect for trading digital assets. If you look at the current situation on the market, then practice shows that most of the existing cryptocurrency exchanges do not meet the required security parameters, and are at the level below the average or even at the lowest level. As a result, hundreds of thousands of traders and investors are at great risk.

  2. Long delays of various transactions:
    Sometimes traders and investors have to wait for hours, it is very uncomfortable and annoying.

  3. Very high transaction fees.

  4. New and small decentralized exchanges that have one of the drawbacks is liquidity. Liquidity affects the volume of trading in digital assets. Simply put, the sooner one or another asset sold on the stock exchange is sold, the more liquid it is considered. Small exchanges and startups may experience liquidity problems simply because they have too many assets, while there may be few people willing to buy at the proposed price.

Today we continue our review of OOOBTC. Let me remind you that OOOBTC is a trading platform for digital currencies that was developed and registered in Singapore. It will satisfy the needs of even advanced traders.

We will analyze and highlight the positive points:

  1. The presence of rare digital currencies.
  2. Low commissions.
  3. High security and reliability: two-factor authentication, encryption, and more.
  4. The decentralized OBX digital asset based on Ethereum, but later it will be transferred to the main network and will be available not only on OOOBTC, but will be traded on all known exchanges. OBX Token can be purchased directly on the platform or in foreign markets and exchanges. You can also earn OBX by taking part in the promotion.


One of the drawbacks is the inability to trade in traditional government currencies. But I really hope that this opportunity will appear in the future.
In conclusion, I would like to say that OOOBTC has quite big chances to become a successful trading platform and to be one of the best exchanges on the cryptocurrency market, and maybe even the best. OOOBTC is a great trading platform with advanced functionality. There is no doubt that it will be attractive to traders. This may well become a reality, because the project has a very successful and competent team and good ratings on various third-party resources. Such projects will help make trade better and safer. If you look at the current market situation, there are already a large number of such trading platforms. But I believe that OOOBTC will be much better. I believe in the success of OOOBTC. At this point, I finish my review of the project.

I advise you to explore the trading platform in more detail. For more information about the platform and to register, follow the links below. The registration procedure is simple and straightforward.
Thank you all for your attention.

Whitepaper: https://www.ooobtc.com/assets/whitepaper/obx.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0Hhy_8AZN29WsU0axHRpoNcpm0LRzyeIFhARHzg43zuaXpar9oium9F_k

Bitcointalk username: matrixSS9
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1962154

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