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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

FACITE - The Block Chain Business Model In Kazakhstan

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With strict capital controls in place by most countries to control the flow of money and charge high taxes, cryptocurrency gained usage in circumventing capital controls and taxes, leading to an increase in demand. Cryptocurrency has been able to present an easy to use digital alternative to fiat currencies. Offering frictionless transactions and inflation control, investors have been prudent enough to add these currencies in their diversified portfolios as an asset, as the size of the market does not represent a systemic risk. Cryptocurrency employs the use of cryptography that assures high-security processes and verifies transactions personal to each user. Hence, counterfeiting and anonymous transactions are impossible to achieve.

While this revolution is gaining wide acceptance, Platform Facite established by the government of Kazakhstan is aimed at the control and supervision of the entire activities of the trade digital currency and mining.

"Mining, in the context of blockchain technology, is the process of adding transactions to the large distributed public ledger of existing transactions, known as the blockchain. The term is best known for its association with bitcoin, though other technologies using the blockcahin employ mining. Bitcoin mining rewards people who run mining operations with more bitcoins.

Blockchain mining involves adding transactions to the existing blockchain ledger of transactions distributed among all users of a blockchain. While mining is mostly associated with bitcoin, other technologies using a blockchain employ mining as well. Mining involves creating a hash of a block of transactions that cannot be easily forged, protecting the integrity of the entire blockchain without the need for a central system."

With that being said, the Facite Foundation built and operates a mining center in Kazakhstan based on geographical conditions, government policies, and electricity schemes for the mining industry. The mining center can accommodate up to 2 million mining machines with a size of 180 hectares (ha) and can be expected to produce stable and consistent revenue generation based on cheap electricity.

But before we go any further, please check out this video presentation to get even more acquainted

Now that I have your attention, let’s get right to it.

What exactly is FACITE?

The main goal of the Facite investment project is to develop the financial and economic environment in Kazakhstan using blockchain technology.

The Facite Foundation built and operates a mining center in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan based on geographical conditions, government policies, and electricity schemes for the mining industry. The mining center can accommodate up to 2 million mining machines with a size of 180 hectares (ha) and can be expected to produce stable and consistent revenue generation based on cheap electricity.

Some of the revenues from the mining center are shared with Facite token holders and the profits from the Facite Foundation’s projects in Kazakhstan are also allocated to the community.

Facite Foundation’s Business Model and Dividends

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The Facite Foundation also operates Kazakh bus cards and solar power plants. The solar power plant will be built in Almaty, one of the three major cities of Kazakhstan. The Facite Foundation will receive and provide a portion of the profits generated in these two projects to Facite token holders.

Holders of Facite tokens will receive dividends of the profits earned from the Pavlodar Facite mining center, the Shimkent City bus card project, and solar power plant project. The profits allocated to holders can be checked in detail through the Facite Foundation’s dividend chart.

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Solar Power Station

Promoting the renewable energy business of the government of Kazakhstan

KHAN 21 HOLDING entered the field of solar energy. Purchase of a business license

Selected as an investment corporation – the Talgar city, a solar power station and a project area of a hydroelectric power station

The first pass gate of Korea in Kazakhstan to the final report of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy

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Transport Payment Card

Acquired license for INNOB CO., Ltd

Introduction and operation of a public transport

It is planned to introduce the U-payment system

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Data Center

Optimum environment, low-cost electricity

Electrical equipment data center with the support of the city

About 2 million mining machines are available

49-year lease contract

Token Details

Category: IEO

Token Name: FACITE

Token Symbol: FIT

Price: 1ETH = 30,000 FIT


IEO Primary – 10%,

IEO Secondary – 5%

Total Supply: 5,000,000,000

Soft Cap: 400,000,000 FIT

Hard Cap: 2,000,000,000 FIT

Facite will be doing IEO in https://www.namebit.co.kr/ exchange on 27th to 29th of May.

The next IEO round will be announced in different exchange soon!

Token Distribution

Tokens will be distributed as follows:

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40% will go on sale

20% of the company’s operating activities

10% team members

10% marketing

10% to developers

5% advisors

5% reserve

Tokens issued to team members and consultants will be blocked for 6 months from the first day of listing on the stock exchanges.

This concludes the review. In conclusion, I would like to say that such a global and effective project will make a breakthrough in the cryptocurrency sphere and bring profit to its investors in the near future.


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Q2 2018

Facite Foundation established.

Q3 2018

Facite business began.

Q4 2018

Mining center site and electricity agreement.

Q1 2019

Mining center established.

Q2 2019

Installation of 100000 mining machines.

Q3 2019

Installation of 300000 mining machines.

Q4 2019

Installation of 500000 mining machines.

Q1 2020

Installation of 700000 mining machines. Expand bus card use.

Q2 2020

Installation of 900000 mining machines. Execute U-payment.

Q3 2020

Installation of 1.2 million mining machines. Solar power dividend.

Q4 2020

Installation of 1.5 million mining machines.

Q1 2021

Installation of 1.8 million mining machines. Commercialization of Facite coins.

Q2 2021

Installation of 2 million mining machines.


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Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://www.facite.org/

Whitepaper: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/8f0e7c_3b99c6eebe30449f9b30e0b477c01848.pdf

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5124497

Telegram: https://t.me/faciteofficial

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Facite-394735348032337/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/faciteofficial

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Author: Cryptoholical

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2487106

Disclaimer: This article was published in terms of the bounty campaign. I am not a project team member or its representative but a supporter of this incredible project.

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