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DABANKING platform is utilizing ETHEREUM Blockchain in building up the huge network of clients as of now on ground. This is the principal period of DABANKING ventures. You ought to likewise know that separated from DABANKING games, DABANKING has different plans of action however will be divulged stage by stage. This happens to be the principal stage and DABANKING is working utilizing ETHEREUM blockchain. While in resulting stages that will be disclosed in the closest future, DABANKING means to swap DAB token from ETHEREUM to DABANKING blockchain for a smoother and hitch free activities and the executives of the DABANKING GAMES and different plans of action.

Additionally, DAB token is conveyed to DABANKING people group/clients dependent on Proof of algorithm Contribution ( POC) when ETH is bolted into VALUE RESERVE FUND for DAB token. Note: DAB is a token utilized in platform for DABANKING.


For whatever length of time that DABANKING platform and the whole DABNKING people group is concern, DAB MINING is extremely fundamental; this is on the grounds that as the primary token that will be utilized in running the platform, the main way any network part and even the Team and engineers can get DAB token is using MINING WALLET in mining DAB token. Presently you can see it is practically mandatory that on the off chance that anybody must appreciate the highlights of DABANKING platform the person in question must get the essential necessity and begin mining DAB token. On this note, I am subsequently happy to illuminate you that DABANKING is taking a shot at structure its one of a kind blockchain that will be finished up and propelled extremely soon to empower the DAB token SWAP from the present ETHEREUM blockchain to DABANKING blockchain.


To be a piece of the DAB token mining you have to purchase an extraordinary apparatus called " TREASURY PACKAGE " this TREASURY PACKAGE can be purchased utilizing ETH WALLET , DAB WALLET or notwithstanding MINING WALLET any of those wallets can be utilized in obtaining the TREASURY PACKAGE . In any case, recollect, the base sum you can purchase the TREASURY PACAKAGE is $200 sum in ETH relying upon the currency market cost around then. As a digger of DAB token you need 3 vitality wallets which are: GOLD WALLET, GREEN WALLET and MINING WALLET. Kindly don't confound these 3 vitality wallets with the ETH, DAB or Mining wallets you use in paying for TREASURY PACKAGE.

Additionally, when you are sending your ETH from any of the DAB, ETH or mining Wallet for the buy of a TREASURY PACKAGE you should make certain it's affirmed by the blockchain as this is the main time the worth is taken. Any cost Fluctuation while the ETH is as yet pending affirmation will influence the cost of the TREASURY PACKAGE which will either increment or lessen contingent upon the ETH value change. In any case, if you don't mind note that if the Price change of ETH goes underneath 3% , such exchange is naturally dropped and the you need to resend your ETH for the buy of TREASURY PACKAGE.

The level of MINING WALLET got contrasted with the Value of the TREASURY PACKAGE purchased in the initial 5 months when 800% of the GOLD WALLET bundle worth moves into the GREEN WALLET is appeared in this table underneath. MINING WALLET will keep accepting regularly until the GREEN WALLET gets to 0 and the base getting time can be 2 years or more.


As a member one can gain more DAB token when you use you one of a kind enrollment link to welcome different individuals to join the DAB mining network ( this stage is called F1) you are intended to half of the bundle estimation of F1 to move a similar incentive from GOLD WALLET to your own GREEN WALLET

This is the way it works: on the off chance that you present a $10,000 Treasury Package purchaser, you get half of $5000 to move your GOLD WALLET to your GREEN WALLET and your sum will be moved until GOLD WALLET gets to 0.

You will likewise be compensated an extra 10% of the benefit of obtaining TREASURY PACKAGES as it proceeds from F2 to F10 and the move from your own GOLD WALLET to GREEN WALLET yet under the two basic conditions underneath:

The aggregate sum buy of "Treasury Package" from the whole F1 is in any event 300% of the estimation of your bundle obtained at the first run through.

You have 2 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F2

You have 3 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F3

You have 4 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F4

You have 5 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F5

You have 6 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F6

You have 7 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F7

You have 8 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F8

You have 9 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F9

You have 10 F1 to purchase the bundle, you are remunerated 10% from F10

Additionally, you are charged 5% more from F11 to the each other level underneath you ,when either your absolute volume of the TREASURY PACKAGE of the entire framework gets to least (200,000) or gets the chance to star 3 rank or more . In my next article I will clarify the Ranking reward on DAB token mining. #Dapps #DABANKING #DAB #blockchain

Kindly visit the below website for more in depth knowledge about the project:

Website: https://dabanking.io/

Whitepaper: http://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/uqfMjYV

Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL

Youtube: http://bit.ly/2VYtVOV

Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io

Bitcointalk username: bosunbossman

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197648;sa=summary

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