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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

GLYFF - Privacy for Smart Contracts and Beyond

The Cryptocurrency market is nowadays pretty similar to the Wild West during the gold rush period. It is possible to earn money very quickly, sometimes even good money, but you have to find a perfect spot, or in this case, a good project to invest. Common thing to the Wild West? No guaranties and almost no law. It is pretty easy to find bad cowboys which are going to promise you golden mountains to steal your last piece of bread. So in all this mess, if you want to find your gold nugget, you can trust just your own brain composites.

With my research, I found this project in which I really put my faith: Glyff. Very likely you haven’t heard about them, project is made by great team members. Nevertheless, guys have an advantage, many other teams does not: already existing product made on a very perspective field. But these are not all pluses I found in this project. Below you can read the analysis and decide on your own, do you want to send some pennies to the pot.


Glyff is a decentralized internet platform delivering private asset transfers and programmable privacy for smart contracts. Glyff has balanced data privacy and transactional security with computational efficiency, which ultimately provides an easy through through smart contract throughput to be easily programmed to the enterprise level while upholding the core principles of the blockchain. Glyff, like Ethereum, allows the development of decentralized applications, but with the main difference: the ability to hide data from computational nodes. This allows developers to enter sensitive data in their smart contracts, directly in the chain, without compromising security.

Glyff is building a new generation decentralized platform that enables the transfer of safe value and intelligent contract execution, in complete confidentiality and with the assurance of strong truth. Glyff, like Ethereum, allows decentralized application development, but with the main difference: the ability to hide data from computational nodes. This allows developers to enter sensitive data in their smart contracts, connect directly, without compromising security.


Non-specialist programmers can develop applications that focus on privacy, even without cryptographic knowledge.

Enables the use of smart contracts for decentralized applications that require personal computing and secure data.

By using unique developments and adding elements of the latest cryptographic advancements to the proven Ethereum ecosystem, Glyff balances data privacy and transaction security with computational efficiency, ultimately providing a level of smart contract that is easily programmed and high performance to any application level by any company permanently maintain the basic principles of the chain. Glyff, like Ethereum, allows the development of decentralized applications, but with the main difference: the ability to hide data from computational nodes. This allows developers to enter sensitive data into their smart contracts directly on the network without compromising security.

Private transactions with the sender, recipient, and amount transferred are completely hidden.

Guaranty Guaranteed integrity and strong anonymity property with zero-knowledge cryptography.

The Glyff team is building a new generation decentralized platform that enables the transfer of safe value and smart contract implementation, with complete confidentiality and with the assurance of strong truth. Glyff, like Ethereum, allows the development of decentralized applications, but with the main difference: the ability to hide data from computational nodes. This allows developers to enter sensitive data in their smart contracts, directly in the chain, without compromising security.

Personal cash transactions with the sender, recipient, and amount transferred are completely hidden. Guaranteed integrity and strong anonymity property with zero-knowledge cryptography. Provides a platform for the dissemination of cross-industry blockchain technology that meets real-world demands. Applications in Healthcare, Finance, IoT, e-Commerce, e-Governance will increase the social benefits of these sectors. Smart contract system that is easily programmed with advanced privacy features. Open source wallet application and cross platform developer framework.


Token: GLY
Token Type: ERC20
Payment Method: Ether or Bitcoin.
Total sale goal: $5,000,000
Initial supply : 50.000.000 GLY
Base price: $0.16481 per token (subject to changes)
Pre-sale Phase

Start date : 20 December 2018
End date : 19 January 2019
Token price : 0.11 USD
Discount :25%
Tokens for sale : 6,500,000
ICO Phase

Start date : 20 February 2019
End date : 22 March 2019
Token price : 0.13 USD
Discount : None
Tokens for sale : 26,000,000


Initial distribution: 50,000,000 GLY
TGE (including pre-sale): 32,500,000 GLY
Glyff reserve: 7,500,000 GLY
Team and early contributors: 5,000,000 GLY
Community and strategic partners: 5,000,000 GLY


Q2/3 2018

Research starts
Prototyping of MVP consensus node and wallet (Sprout)
Q3/4 2018

Consensus node and wallet (early release)
Private test-net launch
Q1/2 2019

Publication of the first whitepaper working draft (Sapling)
Token generation event
Development and code consolidation
Public test-net launch
Q2/3 2019

Programmable privacy
Security audit
Consensus node and wallet (stable release)
Q3/4 2019

Main-net launch
Developer toolchain and documentation
Mobile wallet (Android/iOS)

Above you can see the roadmap — how the team sees their nearest and long-term future.


Team seems to be the strongest part of this project. It consists of innovative and talented people. Of course I cannot complain if we talk about their professional level, guys indeed are experts on their field.


The goal of Glyff is to create an easily accessible, privacy-preserving decentralized platform on which all businesses can benefit from smart contracts. It will provide the security and privacy required to ensure an efficient transaction environment which is trust-less, scalable and fully accessible to those without extensive knowledge of cryptography such that it can be truly ubiquitous and with no barriers. For more information, please visit:

Website: https://glyff.io
Whitepaper : https://glyff.io/files/glyff-wp.pdf
Email address: info@glyff.io
Github: https://github.com/Glyff
Gitter channel : https://gitter.im/Glyff/Lobby
Bitcointalk announcement : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5083318
Bounty thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5084966
Telegram community : https://t.me/glyffcommunity
Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Glyff-353989662044849/
LinkedIn page : https://linkedin.com/company/glyff
Reddit : https://reddit.com/r/glyff
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Glyff_io
Medium : https://medium.com/@glyff_official
Official Bounty Telegram Group: https://t.me/GlyffBounty



0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2018
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