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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

GOeureka - quick hotel booking!

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we will talk about such a direction as recreation and tourism. You all know very well how expensive and inconvenient today is to book hotels. All online offices take a crazy commission for their services and that is why people prefer to look for housing in the place and at the same time, many hotels are empty and become unprofitable. Thus the sphere needs a solution that would change it to the root. Such a project could be a platform called ** GOeureka **.

About the project:

** GOeureka ** - this project will be a platform that will provide users with various options for hotels. That is, you can very comfortably, and most importantly, quickly find the hotel you need and book it. At the same time, the project aims to change the scope by reducing the commission, which at the moment are not real.

The work of this project will be achieved through direct cooperation with hotels, thereby excluding any other intermediaries and thereby removing commission fees to a minimum. A lot of important factor is that this platform will work on such technology as blockchain. Due to this, maximum accuracy will be achieved, and most importantly, the transparency of all data and information in general.

Also, the project will have its own crypto currency. Thanks to which users will be able to perform all actions on this project. It will also be the fundamental economics of the project.

Now a few words about the ICO of this project:
The token will be called: GO.
GO tokens will be released for sale: 600,000,000 GO tokens.
The price per unit of GO token is: 1 GO = $ 0.10.
Maximum sales target: $ 60,000,000.
Also at all stages will be available bonuses.

From the author:

I would like to say that I am only doing reviews on projects and expressing my opinion on a particular product, as well as the implementation of the ideas that the developers offer us. I do not in any way encourage you to invest, because investment is a matter of personal decision of each user. Also, I am not a financial expert who could give advice on investments. You make these decisions strictly independently. I want to remind you that I am not responsible for your investments. Read my reviews and learn a lot of interesting things. Have a nice day!

If you like an article, like it and write a comment. This will be the best thanks for the author. Thank you very much:)

✍Автор: 33STALKER33

Наиболее полная информация о проекте - по ссылкам ниже

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