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6 лет назад

ApolloX ico review


The ascent of the internet business industry over the most recent 2 decades has prompted the rise of giant online based shopping organizations, for example, Amazon, eBay and Alibaba. Nonetheless, the brought together nature of this industry has made issues of uncalled for estimating, shrouded costs, information manhandle and more. The issues that the web based business industry is confronting depend on their unified model.

ApolloX takes care of the above issues with a blockchain-based convention that engages decentralization in the internet business industry. ApolloX is to disturb the present online business commercial center industry and give everybody every one of the advantages of exchanging through a commercial center like Amazon without the pointless costs that originate from monopolistic middle people.

ApolloX utilizes tokenization and decentralization to supplant the present lease looking for big business with another model of finish shopping insurance, information security and negligible commission. ApolloX trusts that with the usage of their model, online business expenses can be decreased by up to 40%. Their objective additionally is to make a ecosystem that blossoms with network.

Rather than depending on a whole organization to keep up trust amongst purchasers and dealers, the execution and usage of ApolloX conventions implies trust will be given by network consensus. For case, if a purchaser keeps running into issues with a deceitful vender, they know their case will be assessed by a gathering of their associates. Their concentrated equal would benefit from the accomplishment of the exchange, paying little respect to the harm done to the purchaser.


With the current online business display, we pay up to 5 times the sum a thing expenses to make for comfort. Each connection in the production network is taking a benefit. By actualizing blockchain innovation to the stage, we're nearer to directing business shared. The ApolloX group foresees a decrease of 40% for shoppers by wiping out brokers with the blockchain.


Characteristic in blockchain innovation is the capacity to encode delicate data and store it on a changeless record. On the off chance that the data should be gotten to, a client can do as such with their private key. ApolloX just enables purchasers to get to their perusing and obtaining action. Purchasers can even pick not to leave any movement history. By approaching this important data, clients can deliberately impart their information to specialist co-ops on the system to win discounts or customized administrations.

Enabling Decentralized

ApolloX is a stage for building decentralized web based business applications and administrations on blockchain. ApolloX will utilize tokenization and decentralization to supplant the present lease looking for big business with another model of finish shopping assurance, information security and insignificant commission.

Decentralized Marketplace

They are attempting to disturb the present web based business commercial center industry and give everybody every one of the advantages of exchanging through a commercial center like Amazon without the superfluous costs that originate from monopolistic mediators.


ApolloX is a decentralized biological system associating purchasers and venders with trust and proficiency, without data storehouse and commission expenses. The ecosystem has three building squares.

Shops Powered by ApolloX

Free web stores and decentralized commercial centers worked with ApolloX Protocol.

ApolloX Protocol

A convention layer that makes it simple to fabricate decentralized web based business applications and service on blockchain.

ApolloX Community

A quickly developing network of makes, dealers, clients, specialist organizations and technologists. Network individuals contribute and get remunerated for offering some benefit to the entire network.

Attribution Protocol

Prizes people group for referral activity and subsidiary deals.

Installment Protocol

Safely transactions installment amongst purchaser and dealer to avoid cheats and quicken turnarounds.

Reputation Protocol

A trustable survey framework for items and dealers. Prizes real great audits and punishes fake practices.

Autonomous Stores

Forces autonomous stores with blockchain and the ApolloX organize , charging negligible expenses and delivering natural movement.

Web based business Services

Administration organizations for the merchants and purchasers, for example, decentralized shopping information trade and decentralized shopping protection market.

ApolloX Token Economy

ApolloX Token (APXT) is intended to encourage exchanges inside ApolloX ecosystem and elevate positive commitment to the network.


Token APXT

Price 1 APXT = 0.0055 USD

Bounty Available

MVP/Prototype Available

Platform Ethereum

Accepting ETH, Fiat

Soft cap 6,000,000 USD

Hard cap 14,000,000 USD

Country Singapore

Whitelist/KYC KYC & Whitelist

Restricted areas USA, China



ANN THREADhttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4650252





Author: Fantazy999
Bitcointalk -   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2362723 
ETH Adress-  0x740507eb37167b2615E4206116eFaF03bcD529A2

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