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BOW Blockchain is a new project ICO that provides answers to sector aspirations by providing concrete digital solutions to different stakeholders, guaranteeing the authenticity of goods, estimating value and scarcity, making purchasing certificates easier, protecting brand intellectual property, securing and anonymizing payments. system, and provide theft insurance. The BOW decentralizes, secures, and stores data connected to the supply chain to ensure transparency to consumers and security of the brand.
This project is carried out in three stages, namely:

  1. Applications for consumers that allow them to scan products with their smartphones. The application will display all information relating to product production and will focus on environmental aspects and fair trade.
  2. A software for companies that allows fashion professionals to manage their supply chains thanks to Bow blockchain.
  3. To democratize these applications and software, what better way to use concrete use cases. The project also aims to create physical sales points to sell patented creations in more than 20 countries in partnership with Swarovski, Bowtie-Barber.

In essence, if the project ICO BOW Token (BT) is successful, then we can utilize the many facilities provided by the BOW blockchain in finding digital solutions, getting information about the authenticity of an item, knowing the value of an item, making a certificate of purchase easier, and the most important is BOW can provide theft insurance.


BOW Token (BT) has temporarily received an Rating ICO from 4 well-known sites in the cryptocurrency project, this Rating ICO is very important to prove that the ICO test is truly real and good to be considered in the future by investors starting now in the world of cryptocurrency.
4 sites that have given an Rating ICO to BOW Token (BT) are:

1. ICO Bench

ICO Bench provides an Rating ICO to BOW Token (BT) with a value of 3.4 from the maximum value of Rating ICO 5, this value includes the expert ratings category. This value was taken by ICO Bench through an assessment of:
a. Profile
b. Team
c. Vision
d. Product

However, for the time being assessed as a new Profi, for others it has not been assessed so that there is still a possibility that the Rating ICO value will increase.

If you want to know more about the project BOW Token (BT) at ICO Bench you can visit the site here.

Note: This Rating ICO value can change at any time, please always check the latest information on this site.

2. Track ICO

The Track ICO provides an Rating ICO to BOW Token (BT) with a value of 4.3 from the maximum Rating ICO 5, this value includes the expert ratings category. This value is taken by the Track ICO through an assessment of:
a. ICO Information
b. Team
c. Social Media

If you want to know more about the project BOW Token (BT) on the Track ICO you can visit the site here.

Note: This Rating ICO value can change at any time, please always check the latest information on this site.

3. Found ICO

The Found ICO gives an Rating ICO to BOW Token (BT) with a value of 5.8 from the maximum value of Rating ICO 10, this value includes the good rating category. This value was taken by Found ICO through an assessment of:
a. Main Info
b. Finance
c. Product
d. Team
e. Marketing

If you want to know more about the project BOW Token (BT) at Found ICO you can visit the site here.

Note: This Rating ICO value can change at any time, please always check the latest information on this site.

4. Coinfollow

Coinfollow provides an Rating ICO to BOW Token (BT) with a value of 6.8 from the maximum value of Rating ICO 10, this value includes a good rating category. This value is taken by Coinfollow through observing the Rating ICO value from other ICO sites such as:
a. ICO Bench
b. ICO Rating
c. ICO Track
d. Found ICO
e. ICO Marks
f. Coin Schedule
g. ICO Holder
h. Token Tops

However, for the time being taken only based on observations at ICO Bench, for others it has not been taken so there is still a possibility that the Rating ICO value will increase.

If you want to know more about Project BOW Token (BT) on Coinfollow you can visit the site here.

Note: This Rating ICO value can change at any time, please always check the latest information on this site.


From the explanation above we can draw the conclusion that, BOW Token (BT) is a good project and proven to be a real project that can provide great benefits in the future so that investors need to be considered to participate in this project ICO.

This conclusion is taken from the Rating ICO and the purpose of the project, where for Rating ICO we have seen the values obtained all in good categories. For the purpose of the project also in the future its vision and mission can provide great benefits for many people.

For the Rating ICO above, it is still temporary because this project ICO has just emerged and there are still many possibilities for the Rating ICO to change at any time. So keep checking the latest information from the sites above or other sites.


Thus the article with the title "4 SITES THAT HAVE GIVEN RATING ICO TO BOW TOKEN (BT)". Hopefully it can provide useful information and increase our knowledge with new projects ICO, in the world of cryptocurrency that we need to consider to participate in it.


Information Social Media BOW Token (BT)

If you want to find out more information about the project ICO BOW Token (BT), you can visit the link below:

| Website | Telegram | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Linkedin | Whitepaper | Youtube | Medium | ANN Thread |

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