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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Precious temptations

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Until I got involved in cryptocurrency I was not involved in any form of investing.
I slowly started to get more and more involved in crypto, financially.
On my journey I learned a lot about trading and markets and in turn diversification,
but not only diversification in crypto holding, quite early on I had plans to diversify outside of cryptocurrency, into precious metals and other more traditional investment options, but I felt like I would be better off holding off as I felt my funds would have better potential for growth.

And as time tells It seems I may have benefited from some form of diversification,
Well now crypto has appears to have found its bottom and so now it would be best to wait it out.
In the mean time I ended up buying some silver, I frequently visit the postal office and they happen to cary coins for the mint, I noticed a very nice coin a few times while I was there and was very tempted to purchase it

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A very unique coin indeed I really liked the 3d aspect of the coin as its in the shape of the helmet,
It was on sale for 199.95$ CAD with a face value of 25 CAD and what I thought was 3 oz of silver, but after looking it up online I realized it was only 1.5 oz, I originally thought the coin was solid but its like an actual helmet.

An ounce of silver goes for around 15 USD so I was not about to buy this coin, but I really wanted silver I figured I would be better off buying bullion and went to a local store.

I learned a fair bit and got confused a fair bit too, I ended up purchasing a 10 oz silver bar for 224 CAD
24$ more for 8.5 oz more of silver, I mean sure Its not a finished and no where near as artistic,
and it is no where as rare the helmet coin mintage is limited to 6,500.

But I felt like those things are very superficial and I feel I ended up with better value.
And besides I am looking to make my own limited rounds, bullion and precious metal sculptures.
I may be not be concerned with rarity but it seems many people do,
So I am looking to cater to those peoples desires, Instead of a rare coin part of small mintage how about a one of a kind?
Or how about a custom coin made just for you!

Please follow for more on this and other exiting projects, and don't hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in getting your own custom coin, I am sure that would motivate me a to move a lot faster.

Right below is the back of the bar I purchased.

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hope you got some value from my post,
Thanks for stopping by, your upvote, comments and resteems are truly appreciated.

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На Golos с March 2018
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