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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Hello, friends, today we will have a slightly unusual survey, at least in that not only blockchain and cryptocurrency will be discussed. This article will be about SGAME https://sgamepro.io.
I think each of you played video games. If not now, then in childhood or adolescence. On the computer, phone, tablet, it does not matter. If you tell me what's wrong - I still will not believe you. But in any case, anyway, the video game industry is still at its height, this is a very serious business and this is proved by the fact that the total capitalization of the gaming industry in the US in 2017 exceeded the rather large US defense budget. And not only children and teenagers play games, but serious uncles and aunts, and some of them make gaming their main profession and earn very good money, earning prizes in various cyber-tournaments and cyber-championships.

And now let's ask ourselves: can an ordinary amateur video game gambler make money on the game? As it turned out for some time - maybe. How exactly? I must say thanks to the developers of the SgamePro platform, which offers gamers to earn cryptocurrency by playing.

SgamePro is a gaming aggregator where all cool video games for smartphones will be available. And those people who will play in these cool games, will also receive money for this, which will be paid in the internal cryptocurrency of the project. This cryptocurrency can then either be spent on the purchase of various products sold in the platform store, in the online stores of game developers, or exchanged for real money. Also for these coins you will be able to purchase the necessary inventory and artifacts for faster pumping of their game characters.

In order to start receiving rewards, the user must register on the project and take part in the game tournaments. To be eligible to participate in the tournament, you must make a cash contribution. Of these contributions, a pool of awards is formed. Also, you can take part not in the tournament, but in the so-called "one-on-one battle", that is, to play with one specifically taken opponent.

At the end of the game, after the winner is determined, 90 percent of the total amount collected in the reward pool is credited to him. The remaining 10 percent goes to the SgamePro platform and the creator of this game with a proportion of 50/50. Thus, the development of the project will be financed and incentives will be created for game developers to improve their existing creations and create new ones.

This scheme is far from new and it has already proved itself very well on many projects, such as, for example, "PokerStars", whose capitalization has long exceeded $ 1 billion. And taking into account the fact that modern mobile devices practically do not differ in power from computers and they continue to develop in technological terms and beyond - now mobile application players are now able to access not only primitive card games, but also resource-intensive shooters and strategies with a serious graphics and complex gameplay.

Therefore, the platform SgamePro, in fact, will be available to any user of any mobile device that can choose a game according to the power of its device and make a contribution based on its financial capabilities, from the very minimum and ending with a fairly large bet to become a professional gamer. Also, any of the users can independently create a closed tournament to play, say, with their friends. In this case, he himself can flexibly adjust all the parameters, for example, to assign a minimum and maximum contribution fee. The SGM coin (the internal crypto currency of the project) will serve as a universal means of payment on the Sgame Pro platform.

Also in this coin will be awarded a reward:

  • players;
  • game developers;
  • technical team of the project;
    In order to withdraw money from the project, all user's user wallets have a transaction system by means of which it is possible to transfer coins to another player or to bring them to the exchange to sell or exchange there.


For gamers:

  • the best video games;
  • the ability to stream-broadcast your gameplay to the Internet;
  • earnings on the referral program;
    The ecosystem of the project will be friendly not only for professional gamers, but also for inexperienced beginners. An intuitive interface and a low minimum contribution threshold will allow you to start from scratch. This moment is very important for those who are not yet involved in the cyber sport industry and do not know what is there for anything and how it works. The reward will be credited to the wallet instantly - immediately after the end of the game.

For game developers:
Since game developers play a very important role in the functioning of the site, they will be provided not only with standard payouts, but also with special bonuses for those whose gaming applications were able to collect the most significant number of gamers.

For partners:
SgamePro plans to involve new users on the referral principle. This means that each user will have his own unique referral link to register on the project, he can publish this link on various advertising resources and if new users are registered by this link, he will be able to receive a certain percentage of their fees. And the reward will be added even if the new user who came to the referral link will not show any activity.
By the way, for new players, only registered on the site, it is envisaged to charge a certain number of "starting" coins as a gift.

To create the project in the form in which it was conceived, it is necessary to collect investments for $ 55 million. The sale of coins will begin on September 12, 2018, as you can see there is not much time left. In order to get the opportunity to purchase coins, you should fill out a personal questionnaire and put yourself on the white list on the project site.

Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
Total number of coins printed: 350000000 (350 million)
Cost of coin: Will be published later
Payment: ЕТН
Verification of KYC: yes

Token distribution:
55% - for sale
24% - in reserve
15% - for development
4% - development team, team of advisors and consultants
2% - for bounty campaign

It should be noted that this project, even without being fully implemented, already attracts the attention of a large number of people. After all, it provides gamers with a truly unique opportunity - to get paid for what they do every day for free - play games. And SGamePgo will gather in one place the best mobile games that millions of people from all over the world know and love. This approach will involve the widest circle of the population in the project. And besides, by itself the sphere of mobile games is developing very fast now, which will further add to the popularity platform.

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