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Hello World! Looking forward to joining this fascinating community.

Hello, fellow Golos friends! My name is Rick Nuthman. I am a computer programmer; specifically a game developer living in San Pedro, Los Angeles California.

This is my goofy dog, Harvey:

Harvey likes to help with whatever we are doing at the time. Most of the time he does this by just looking cute. I have lived all over the world, but for some reason I keep coming back to southern California. I think I just really like the predictable weather. It practically never rains!

We get a nice Peek-a-Boo view of Catalina island. Too bad it's tarnished by all the ugly power lines! Harvey certainly likes it. He gets to bark at the blimp when it goes by.

Some days we get a nice clear view, while other days the island is completely obscured by clouds and haze.

We used to enjoy taking the dogs down to the beach at Trump Golf course, but the owner (now President) essentially got a local law passed to disallow dogs on the beach. It's too bad because now we have to take the pup all the way to Long Beach!

Ok, enough pictures of my dog. He is actually in Newmarket England right now with his grandfather - my girlfriend's father! Sadly, his wife recently passed away and Harvey is keeping him company. We go to the UK quite often. Sometimes we stay up to 6 months, keeping my father in law company. We love going down to the allotment to attend to the garden. It's quite easy to grow things in England with all the constant rain!

The allotment is also a great place to stop and have a bit to eat!

Each time we go to the UK, we try to visit as many places as well can. Here I am being 'pensive' at Stonehenge.

We always meet a lot of interesting characters, like this.... witch woman? I have no idea.

Whatever she was doing, she was serious about it. A few years back we went down to St. Ives in Cornwall. From there we visited a lot of interesting locations. Here I am at Land's End:

The next place was quite interesting. I don't normally visit gardens on purpose, but my father in law is really in to gardening so we went to the Lost Gardens of Heligan. Talk about a huge garden! This place has it all. It is very well looked after. I'd highly recommend giving it a visit.

Some of the trees are incredible. They also grow a large variety of edible veggies.

There are also ducks everywhere!

Another amazing place is The Eden Project. This place is huge! They have built giant bio-domes each containing an entire eco-system from various parts of the world. One minute you are in Africa in a climate controlled environment, the next you are in Malaysia!

That was a view of the domes from the outside. The picture doesn't do justice to the scale of this place.

The array of exotic flowers is beautiful!

I was having a great time with my camera.

I really loved this wacky scarecrow. It's all kinds of weird.

And not much could top this crazy sculpture. It's as if someone wanted to build a robot, but had no electronics skills.

Another cool place we visited was the Minack Theatre. This hidden gem was closed for the season, but when it is open for business, they do Shakespeare plays right there on the stone stage. I would love to go back someday and watch a show!

Here I am with zero acting ability.

Here's a view of the stage from the stone bleachers.

Another interesting place to visit is St. Michael's Mount. Each day the water recedes and you can walk to the island completely dry.

There is a lot of interesting stuff to look at in the castle. The family actually still lives in the castle and they have parts blocked off that are private and off limits.

As the tide comes in, the water completely covers the once dry beach and you have to take a boat to get back to shore.

I have to say though, my favorite place in England is where my girlfriend's family live, in Newmarket, Suffolk. Like most of England it is very green and beautiful. It's a horse racing town, so everything is horse themed around town. We love going for walks on the horse racecourse tracks.

The horses are very well looked after. Their coats look amazing!

Of course Harvey loves it too, but then he needs his bath!

We also enjoy taking a Carnival cruise whenever we get a chance. Although I love to 'rough it' travel, sometimes it's really nice to just get on a ship and visit exotic places while having everything taken care of for you. I have to say, I really enjoy cruising.

Ok, now this has become less of an introduction, and more of a photo gallery of my trips. Oh well. Here's more.

This is from a hiking trip in Mexico. The village is called Tomatlan. It is quite a walk, but great exercise!

And my favorite part, of course is the food. I seriously love me some enchiladas.

Oh, I forgot to mention. I am also a huge sci fi fan. While we were in the UK last year, we drove all the way to Cardiff to see the Doctor Who experience. We also visited several sites where the show Torchwood was filmed.

I finished off the day with this beauty:

Ok, I think this story is quite long enough. I hope you enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to reading and sharing lots of content. Have fun, and don't take life so seriously. I don't... Just look at my hobby. Can anyone guess my age?

By that I mean follow me! LOL! Just kidding. But follow me. For real. Just joking around guys, but go ahead and click that follow button. Only if you want to though. But definitely do it.

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