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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

"Cashbag" ICO LIVE.

Every year, e-commerce is gaining momentum. Also, the number of owners of crypto-currency wallets and users of digital currencies is constantly increasing. This confirms that this direction of development of the economy and trade is one of the leading. To date, developers of many companies are dealing with issues like how to attract the maximum number of people to use crypto and tokens. The CashBag team https://tokensale.cashbag.co/ is set up to create a great interest in its platform, which will lead to a massive influx of customers. The developers of CashBag will turn the notion of people about the possibilities of blockchain, smart contracts and digital currencies. The project is aimed at encouraging customers to make online purchases with the possibility of getting a part of the amount spent back.

The site in the first place will be very interesting for those who like shopping on the Internet, who want to get additional discounts or cashback. CashBag cooperates with a lot of trading companies and constantly works on attracting new ones. The goal of the team is to create a platform that would help to receive rewards from trading companies and track them, was easy and understandable to use. The project has already passed the test in South Africa, where it found recognition among thousands of users. For the convenience of using the mobile application CashBag is created, there is also an application that suggests economical purchases on the Internet. Today, the company's work is being developed in different countries. The project involves more than 100 advertisers. By mid-2018, the goal was to establish cooperation with 2,500 trading enterprises.

When making purchases on the Internet from the companies participating in the project, customers receive a reward. Money will be sent to the purse of the buyer in the currency chosen by him. The difference between CashBag and other similar digital tokens is that it is an easy to use and understandable token, a token of remuneration. This digital currency, in addition to keshbek, can be obtained by making purchases from project partners. Such a process will encourage people to register on the site, spend and earn tokens on the platform. The attraction of new customers will contribute to the growth of incomes and profitability of CashBag.
ICO will start on March 12, 2018. Duration - 4 weeks. Base price: 6000 CashBag tokens cost 1 ETH. But in different periods ICO will be given bonuses of 10 to 20%. In the future, you can buy a token on world exchanges.


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