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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

"ThinkCoin" ICO LIVE.

Hi again friends and guests. In this article i write you about an interesting project - ThinkCoin, namelly about benefits, ICO and other informations, which will be useful for you.
ThinkCoin (TCO) is a digital trade token of the TradeConnect rank trading platform. Around this token, and completely built up the entire ecosystem of the project.
The service was created by a certain financial group Think Markets, which has been on the market for about 10 years, and has licenses from the reputable FCA and the Australian ASIC. It operates on the territory of Australia and Great Britain.
The main goal of the project is to use tools of blockchain technology to provide participants with complete freedom of action in trading their favorite assets around the world. Users have the opportunity to trade financial assets such as stocks, indexes, precious metals, forex and even goods, and, of course, cryptocurrencies.
The ThinkCoin principle is to eliminate the need for intermediaries. Unlike other brokers who establish communication between traders and markets, TradeConnect brings traders together with each other.

The blockchain platform is very convenient for so many really useful things on the Internet. We see that new ways of using blockchain appear every day. But trading with cryptocurrencies is something that the blockchain is the best for the time being. Here I will introduce you to a project that greatly improves and changes the trading opportunities in general.

Now the market has formed a few problems, which pretty spoil the lives of merchants. Among them:
high financial risks caused by the fact that a large number of intermediaries increases costs, and, accordingly, prices are rising.
Confirmation of transactions due to bureaucracy, usually too long, can go up to several days.
The existing scheme is not transparent enough and clear
there is no individual approach
Therefore, ThinkCoin, having noticed these shortcomings, tried to eliminate them, hoping that due to this it will gain popularity.
Innovative software used in TradeConnect is designed to help people trade directly with each other, bypassing intermediaries. This will make equal the rights of large and small market players who can easily negotiate among themselves and formalize the contract within a few seconds, without unnecessary red tape. This can make a great breakthrough in the whole world trade!

TradeConnect is built on the basis of a hybrid model, and through the use of smart contracts, transactions will take place instantly and with a high level of security. Used block: Ethereum ERC-20
Used in the work of the hybrid trading model allows you to process transactions without using the network, but with fixing in the block chain using smart contracts.
In total, it is planned to issue 500 million TCO, 300 of which (60%) will be sold during the ICO and before the ICO. If the entire planned volume is not implemented, the rest will burn to maintain the correct distribution. The so-called "hard cover" (or the upper limit for selling tokens) for pre-sale will be $ 30 million.
The wallet supports such crypto-currencies: Bitcoin, BitCoin Cash, Ethereum, Dash, Monero, LiteCoin, ThinkCoin (TCO)

Let's look at an approximate plan that trades digital assets in the TradeConnect using the TCO token:

  • The initiator makes a proposal for a contract
  • TradeConnect provides communication between the parties and performs the transaction
  • The transaction runs outside the network, and is stored on the data relay. The platform commission is distributed as follows: three quarters are divided between the executor and recipient pools the program automatically determines whether the transaction was positive or negative a smart contract draws up a deal, and lists a quarter of the commission to the platform, another quarter to the buyer, and half to the market maker.

    ICO conditions:
  • The base price for 1 TCO is $ 0.30 USD
  • pre-ICO consists of 2 parts:
  • from April 3 to April 23 - Bonus = 45%
  • from April 24 to June 18 - bonus = 22%
  • The ICO itself runs from June 25 to July 9.
  • You can buy TCO tokens for BTC, ETH, BCH or Fiat.

Thanks to the improvements introduced by TradeConnect into the global trading community, the overall efficiency of transactions will increase, due to such factors:

  • The highest speed of operations;
  • Good protection;
  • Transparency and flexibility of transactions;
  • Good awareness of the participants;
  • Low trade risks;
  • Large choice of the subject of bidding.

The project will be interesting for all traders on all platforms - from Forex to stock markets and crypto investments. The platform implements the trading opportunities of all existing instruments in the sphere of traditional investment trading and, of course, in the field of cryptocurrency. Of course, this is a useful and necessary tool for any trader and investor.


diimazavr https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1080044

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