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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Gooreo Platform

Gooreo is a decentralized stage created on Ethereum

blockchain arrange. The system enables us to assemble

application that has solid confirmation and kills the requirement for

trust costly outsiders. The Gooreo application (decentralized application) will

accessible online on the work area and on versatile. Application will

helping recently graduated understudies to look for some kind of employment that suits them

specialization is fundamentally quicker, simpler and will support the proprietor

organizations in discovering ability for brief business or

perpetual work.

Gooreo is building a stage to disentangle the way toward chasing ventures for new alumni and researchers to improve their occupations. Organizations and organizations advantage incredibly from our stage on the grounds that there is annihilation of cost enrollment answers for supply the correct ability required for their novel jobs in order to amplify benefits.

We additionally present tokens, otherwise called OREO coins, enabling purchasers from this program to use to complete business related exchanges. Utilizing square chain innovation for this situation will guarantee security since records and information have been imparted to work seekers, since they are liable to the attributes that truly harm the blockchain innovation and furthermore affiliations that utilize can't be undermined.


How Gooreo functions

● Each understudy must enlist their record on the stage and make their own proficient resume

● The organization will distribute the opening and spot the fundamental abilities, just as decide if the work is nearby or at an incredible separation.

● Jobs will be accessible straightforwardly to all understudies concentrating in a similar field (and in a similar nation in the event that they are in that field) so they can apply for occupations in organizations that are searching for representatives.

The comfort of GOOREO is that in the meantime understudies have the chance to see the accessible opportunities in the expert field to which they have a place, along these lines bypassing all the "data waste" found in concentrated wellsprings of this course.

When an alumni finds that he needs or, despite what might be expected, the business finds that the authority he/she needs, between them is an agreement of work, with GOOREO leave the imprint that the two sides got their desire, with these gatherings (manager and graduate) can leave a rating of the nature of administrations given by GOOREO as awful, great and phenomenal.



giving the correct activity to every understudy as per his mastery, this is a mission of Gooreo himself. Since this means to give an evaluation to each organization about an abilities that every understudy has, as per their particular aptitude. So the organization will be extremely simple to placed them in what segment.


The objective we need to accomplish:

• Develop Gooreo as a standout amongst the most helpful applications for understudies and business people to rapidly and effectively secure wanted occupations and position candidates whenever, anyplace.

• Immediately send applications in all nations to demonstrate to the world that the Oreo model is an effective model that is achievable on a worldwide scale

• Constant stage improvements dependent on client criticism and guides to keep giving new usefulness to people in general.

• Renew and disturb conventional methods for advancement to bring innovative advancement and quick living respectively.

· Token Details

· Coin Name:OREO

Coin Symbol: OREO

Code: ERC20

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Decimal: 18

Contract Address: 0xfb71ab03d371c43f5e2f3747e5f790370399e778

· Pre-ICO Details

· To meet the needs of our customers, a pre-ICO phase will be available for any interested party as tokens will be distributed on a “first come, first serve” basis.

· The Pre-ICO details are as follows:

· Start Date: 18th November, 2018

End Date: 10th December, 2018

Pre-ICO CONVERSION: 1 ETH = 20.000 + 5.000 OREO

Pre ICO Bonus: 50%

Contribution Size: Minimum: 0.5 ETH

Gas limit:20,0000

Total Sale: 60,000.000

· ICO Details

· Start Date: 15th March.2019

ICO End Date: 30 April.2019


Amount of token: 440,000.000 OREO

Gas limit: 200,000

Road Map

June 2018

Project idea and start up.
September 2018

Issuing the smart contract and writing whitepaper
November – December 2018

Pre-ICO and ICO
January – February 2019

Listing the Coin up to 3 Exchanges
February 2019

Development of the Core Platform and Testing alpha and beta version
May 2019

Release the platform
July – September 2019

Listing the coin on exchanges as much as we can.

For more information, please visit:

WEBSITE: https://gooreo.com

WHITEPAPER: https://bit.ly/Gooreo

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gooreo

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5064295

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/gooreo.official/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/oreo_coin

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@gooreo

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/Oreocoin

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gooreo/

GITHUB: https://github.com/Oreocoin/SmartContract

Author: vickybee

Bitcointalk profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2524381

0.421 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2019
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