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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

ICO EON Review - part 1

Hello dear lovers of crypto. Today we're wathcing at one of the most promising crypto projects EON. This project can be interested for those who is connected with computer gaming, including mobile games. What If I tell you that one game costs about 15 dollars. One more fact is that the summary cycle of money reached 117 billion in 2017 in computer games sphere. This year promises even more - 250 billion dollars. In the near future even trillions dollars can be reached.

The main philosophy

Well, the market seems to grow and it's good. But actually, the market is already taken by such monopolysts as Google, Steam and Apple. According to the most conservative estimates, the 97% of the whole cycle belong only to 4 companies. Well, that's good, but what about young and talented mobile games programmers cannot monetize their products. Those who manage to deal with the market giants have to wait a long time till their works bring benefits. Some developers offer their products directly on the internet risking to loose it in hands of internet robbers, who lately tend to crack developers' accounts. In order to stop the crimes, there have been created EON. The goals of the project are quite ambitious, it offers to solve the problem of monetization, and at the same time, the market old-timers will have to give some space for the newbies.

Game industry tasks and solutions

The project has started in 2014. The first project was not that successful because of low gameplay. But the first fail made developers enter a new level - replace the industry to a blockchain. The second version of blockchain, where a smart-contract appeard, let them solve hard problems of developers and gamers communication. The problem of monetization was solved. A talented developer can now run his project with the help of internal EON token and then define his project's doom. Besides, gamers can get benefits from the platform. Apart from buying the game, ecosystem participants can get rewards for being in tournaments, developing of high-quality and interesting game content.

What's available for EON users

The project founder is EON Foundation, who have several suboffices in Europe and Asia. The launch of EON will allow to solve the following problems:
• Fiat currency payments. Before, every gamer and programmer had to get national currency as a reward. The huge amount of fiat currency and transaction problems eventually created troubles as for gamers, so as for developers. The EON token removes the necessity of paying the fees. Use the token directly and monetize your actions with benefits.
•Verification problems. Constant cracks of accounts leads to data base loss and even to money theft. The internal EON verification can completely exclude the hackers influence with using the safe smart-contracts.

The result of the project's work is getting income for the work by the developers. The framework will be integrated with the standards of blockchain 2.0 or Ethereum ERC20. The start is planned on July 25, 2018. The maximum cap is 30.000 ETH. 1 EON price=$0,028. Currently the active phase of Bounty-programme is in proccess, where a decent amount of money was given for attracting new userss.


Well, my friends! The market old-timers clearly understand that they go too far crossing the line, but at the same time can't defy a principle. The EON ecosystem will help to solve the computer games monetization problems, so the programmers and gamers get a new motivation for the further development with the grow of EON.

More information about EON can be found on the official links:

Website: http://eontoken.io/ 
Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/yuhe5nc  
Telegram: https://t.me/eontoken  
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EonToken  
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/eontoken/  

The author of the article:
Telegram: https://t.me/Dima0785 
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1839798

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