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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Databroker - Monetize your data from the Internet of things!

The Internet of things consists of loosely interconnected disparate networks, each of which has been deployed to solve its own specific problems. For example, in modern cars, several networks operate at once: one controls the operation of the engine, the other-security systems, the third supports communication.

In office and residential buildings also set many networks to control heating, ventilation, air conditioning, telephone, security, lighting. As the Internet of things develops, these and many other networks will connect to each other and gain more and more opportunities in the field of security, analytics and management.

If to tell even easier, as they say in folk, then I will give examples of how you can use it in everyday life and will begin to understand how all this cool and comfortable for comfort: humanity has a chance to get rid of phobias, like "did I close the door" or "did I turn off the iron", because the information about it will be in the smartphone. And if suddenly is not closed and is not turned off, everything can be fixed from any point of the city and the world.

The surveillance system detects the faces of everyone who passed by your house or stood near the door of the apartment, and when the same person reappears, it will compare his face with the police base. As a precaution. The refrigerator, equipped with a set of cameras, will report the end of the shelf life of the products and simply depletion of the reserves of your favorite ice cream. Smart vacuum cleaner will send a message about finding jewelry that fell under the sofa.

I noticed that the network has gone examples of the many break-ins the Internet of things, theft of personal data on them, as you can still attached and credit card. And there is such a question as in the future to carry out all this more safely and confidently. All of these devices contain receive and process a lot of data in order to improve them, to refine, but most of the information is simply not used and not transmitted.

Fortunately, there was a solution to these problems with a very nice bonus as additional earnings - this is the Databroker project.
The idea of this project is to create a decentralized platform for buying or selling information from the Internet of things. And there is already a version of the working beta, which can be found here https://beta.databrokerdao.com/.

I'm pretty thoroughly studied all the nuances of the idea and treating yourself with the many stakeholders identified the following useful options of its use:

1.As the owner of such devices that I use at home, I will be able to place and sell the data received from them to manufacturers in order to optimize them.

2.As an operator of such networks I will get quite a solid and reliable customer Databroker, using all the advantages of safe technology, and as the development of a large customer base on the platform

3.Manufacturers of these sensors will benefit from both sides - will gain even more popularity and when the user can easily monetize the data from them, and the demand for them will increase several times.

I almost forgot to mention another important advantage - is of course the elimination of all intermediaries in payments, transfers. The company also promises to pay 80% of profits from the sale of data from the platform to sellers, 10% is Databroker and the remaining 10% is taken by network operators.
To start making money selling your data, you first need to register on the Databroker platform and fill in what information you want to provide, then the suppliers choose the offer they are interested in and conclude a smart contract with you. And during all its validity period the device send data to the buyer, and you can easily get an extra income. Very harmonious and thought-out ecosystem of interaction. You are just at the initial stage will be to get pleasure from the use of the Internet of things, and having done these few steps to have passive income.
The project is very actively developed and you can see in the picture above what is already a great Alliance created by the team. The main sale of tokens starts on April 26, 2018, you can take part as an active investor, I think the token will grow very well in the future, or simply monetize your data from devices. Sooner or later, many of them will be used, and this industry will reach capitalization of several trillion dollars!

More information you can find on these links:

Website: https://databrokerdao.com

Bitcointalk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2113309.0

Telegram group: https://t.me/databrokerdao

My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1184171

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