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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

INGOT COIN - full interaction of cryptography with the traditional world

The last couple of years, the expression of the blockchain and the cryptocurrency has been very strong among the population, as this is one of the opportunities to make money on a relatively new market. Those who are closely connected with the cryptocurrency, watch how projects appear every week that conduct an ICO company, introducing their idea and using blockchain.

Undoubtedly, one of the main innovations in such projects is the use of a decentralized system. Regardless of the fact that the system has been around for a long time, development is proceeding at a fast pace to transform, improve and maximize the effectiveness of transactions. And the project INGOT COIN was not left aside. Which offers its idea and solution.

The INGOT COIN project is a completely decentralized ecosystem that uses blockchain and smart contracts. The platform is created for the exchange of various cryptocurrencies, and will also include brokerage and trading opportunities for cryptography and fiat. Thanks to the INGOT COIN platform, various crypto-financial services will be able to develop their own financial ecosystem, which will differ significantly from the traditional one.

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INGOT COIN seeks to combine the traditional financial sphere with blockchain technology, providing an entire ecosystem that will provide all cryptocurrency holders access to all financial services. This system will serve as a kind of initiator for combining cryptography with traditional methods. The team of the project has seriously approached the solution of problems, and uses modern technologies for the convenience of their use in this field.

INGOT COIN is a project that fully integrated the wallet with digital currency, broker, exchange, certificate and accelerator ICO. All the elements of the platform are united into one whole and one ecosystem, which gives an opportunity to earn to its users and customers, for the use and contribution to it.


The main part of INGOT COIN is its ecosystem, which includes auxiliary structures for the full operation of the project.

Let's consider them in more detail:
· IC Digital Bank - simplifies and carries out a round-the-clock transaction of all payments and settlements.
· IC Brokerage - the function is targeted at investors who are looking for different options for trading. They can check them with this function.
· IC Exchange-IC enables customers and project users to exchange.
· IC-purse with the ability to store cryptocurrency and Fiat money.
· IC ICO Accelerator - protects investment only in legitimate ICO companies.
· IC Crypto Certifier a training manual based on cryptocurrency institutions.
· Community IC, where users and project developers can communicate with each other.
· IC Liquidity Pool, offers the insured ability of assets to be quickly sold at a price close to the market price for INGOT COIN and other coins.

The main payment tool of the project will be the INGOT Coin (IC) token, through which all transactions and operations within the project will be performed. Token INGOT Coin- offers customers and users a certain advantage and discounts within the ecosystem. INGOT COIN will rely on ERC20 technology.

Consider the main advantages of the INGOT COIN project:

  1. Own currency.
  2. Using a smart contract ensures the transparency and confidentiality of all transactions and processes.
  3. The use of blockchain offers a high level of security.
  4. Absence of intermediaries, even when conducting micropayments.
  5. The ability to exchange cryptocurrency.
  6. Increased safety during storage and transfers, for fiat and cryptocurrency.

The conclusion.
In my opinion, the project is promising, as it offers a solution that will facilitate and simplify financial operations, thanks to the use of modern technologies. The project has competition and it is relatively not very different from other projects, but it is aimed at an audience that wants to use a variety of functions and capabilities on the same platform, while obtaining a high level of security and transparency of all operations.

Website: https://www.ingotcoin.io/

Telegrams: https://t.me/INGOTCoin

Discussion at the forum: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3581009

My profile on Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1184171

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