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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Orvium - Open and Transparent Science Powered By Blockchain!

Scientific research in the conventional sense is a process of studying, experimenting, conceptualizing and testing the theory associated with obtaining scientific knowledge.

Research works include works of a scientific nature related to scientific research, in order to expand and obtain new knowledge, testing scientific hypotheses, establishing patterns that appear in nature and society, scientific generalizations and scientific justification of projects.

Most of the research is done today on the state, that is, our money. Salary most scientists, as those who wrote the article, and those who checked it and edited, too, do not receive from publishers. And today, University libraries around the world, which are the main subscribers of the scientific press, also pay a lot of money to subscribe to magazines, which they themselves write.

Subscription to scientific journals costs thousands of dollars, which can afford only the richest universities. Over the past couple of decades, the subscription price has increased many times. Critics who oppose publishers believe that this rise in price is a consequence of the concentration of journals in the hands of private companies that derive unfair profits from their dominant position in the scientific knowledge market.

6 years ago I graduated from the University with a degree in Chemical technology and finishing equipment and when I wrote my thesis project, I also had to pay a lot of money for some materials of other scientists. And so it was inconvenient: we had to look for something on the Internet, and there do not even know how it can be genuine or useful, and even do not know if I would get it, also had to travel around the city in different libraries for clarification and more information. It took a lot of time, money and nerves.

Although I am no longer engaged in my profession, but it is also important for me that people can receive reliable information, or the authors could easily prove the authenticity and uniqueness of their works without unnecessary bureaucratic and territorial barriers, then it would increase the speed of development of science and research and appropriately earnings. I think I found the perfect way out of this situation is a project Orvium!
It creates a decentralized market-platform for publishing scientific and research articles with the possibility of their proof, which can be done from a phone or laptop, sell them and always monitor its use by other people. That is, it is a very great tool for monetizing their work without intermediaries or monopolists who take a lot of money for writing it in any magazine or collection.

The platform carefully selects the work and everything is strictly stored in the public register, the authors set the price for its reading or the amount of remuneration for the review of the article, all operations are carried out using tokens ORV. This greatly speeds up the process of obtaining copyright for you content and allows you to get full control over its observance with the help of smart contracts.
Such a platform will enable science to fully share the results and cooperate via the Internet. When the entire scientific community will be able to communicate online without restrictions, the team of scientists will have no need to be attached to large bureaucratic structures and adjust the time of publication of their works under the schedule of journals.

The idea will help to revive the public funding and publication of works in scientific journals, which has existed in ancient times. This will allow scientists to conduct research in more stable and secure conditions. There are also people-patrons who will be glad that their money reliably promoted development and distribution of scientific ideas for the benefit of all society that is feasible here by means of technology of a blockchain.

I will use this application, as I love to read a lot, write reviews and thanks to this will take time as self-development, and create an additional source of income. After all, according to statistics, about 1.7 trillion dollars is spent on research and development(http://test-center.com/blog/rashodi-niokr) so the potential of the idea is obvious.

More information you can find on these links:

Website: https://orvium.io/.

Telegram group: https://t.me/orvium

Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3535259.0

My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1184171

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