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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Quadrant Protocol - A blueprint for mapping decentralized data-up!

Probably many people know the saying " Who owns the information, he owns the world." And who has the data about their rivals, competing companies gets unprecedented advantages in the fight against them.

The progress and development of technology has made the company dependent on information systems and hence vulnerable to fraudsters attacks, computer viruses, human factor and state to such an extent that many business owners can no longer feel safe. The issue of information security is becoming very important in the activities of many enterprises, but the same progress offers solutions that can protect data from external attacks.

Not so long ago I was convinced of one important quality of the information as its authenticity! After all, a lot depends on it, it is better to get accurate and verified data, the greater its volume. My friend sells products in the field of cosmetology and hairdressing equipment, imports them from China, and in our city is already beginning to use new trends and new products, which helps him to be ahead of many other shops and salons both in profit and in increasing the audience. All because he has a reliable informant and he trusts him.

The problems of today's small and medium-sized businesses is that they have limited access to large amounts of information, can not say with certainty about their authenticity, what they lose as much time and money. Companies do not have an incentive to share data with others, because they believe that it can cause damage, on the one hand they are right, but on the other hand it hinders the development of the market. And this problem is taken to solve a project called Quadrant Protocol.
The company creates a decentralized data market for many participants in the form of organizations, Daas developers and artificial intelligence products, data providers (enterprises, large corporations, users). Such data flow will allow to create new smart systems of promotion of their goods and services, to introduce them into their infrastructure and already information will be only reliable. Transactions will be concluded with the help of smart contracts, which will protect yourself from hackers and unreliable sources.

Thanks to this transparency, everyone will be able to observe all the operations that will be carried out with his data and for each of their use to receive tokens of the eQuad platform, this increases both the motivation of suppliers and brings additional profits. The team with extensive experience in this field of technology and there are already several companies that have started cooperation and the use of the protocol, you can see in this picture:
Such an idea will help to get rid of or reduce the use and storage of data of monopolistic companies in the form of Google, their unauthorized transfer and obtaining at the same time a large profit. Now with this protocol, many will become the owners of their information with the possibility of its monetization. In such an ecosystem, you can easily buy useful products of artificial intelligence and apply in your business.

More information you can find on these links:

Website: https://www.quadrantprotocol.com/

Whitepaper: https://www.quadrantprotocol.com/whitepaper.pdf

Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3676988.0

Telegram group: https://t.me/quadrantprotocol

My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1184171

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