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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Mining – is a simple and easy to understand business, involved in thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Mining mining is very uneven throughout the world. The main reason is the different costs of electricity in various countries. According to the study, almost 50% of newly mined coins were mined in China, where electricity costs were several times less than in Europe.

Greentoken – is a lifelong free green crypto currency mining, based on an innovative waste treatment plant with 100% recycling capacity, without endangering the environment and separate garbage collection.
At present, planet Earth is experiencing misfortune. This is related to various different factors. One of these factors is ecumenical contamination. Every day tons of monumental waste is thrown away, which has a damaging effect on the environment. Ideally, it would be better if each company independently recycles the waste they produce themselves. This is what the Greentoken project does. Thus making the project environmentally friendly.

Greentoken is a very large mining mine in Central Asia with free electricity predicted in garbage-free waste processing plants.

Features of the Greentoken platform:

• Free electricity. Syngas generates 10 MW / hour of electricity, of which 4 MW / hour is used for the company’s own needs. The remaining 6 MWh is transferred free to Grentoken mining.

• 100% recycling of waste. Greentoken in the German pyrolysis reactor recycles 100% of organic waste, such as: plastic, rubber, paper, wood, bone in synthesis gas, from which electricity is generated.

• Mining mining is very large in Central Asia. A business that is simple and easy to understand for investors, is based on 100% environmentally friendly electricity that is environmentally friendly.

The Greentoken team project has found a place for involute. This should be located in Astana, where the Kazakhstan Regime plans to allocate 54 hectares of land with landfills. The Greentoken team accused what had to be done with the waste of the Kazakh capital. Tests conducted in Germany aim to determine the reactor output that utilizes solid waste that is adjusted to Astana’s resources. And the reactor does its job, perfectly recycling 100% of the waste.

Garbage is processed in a reactor without access to oxygen at temperatures up to 1300 ° C without the release of dioxin, furans and large and strong metals into the atmosphere. When recycling 75% of waste is processed into synthesis gas, 25% of residue is charcoal, pure carbon, which is used as fuel for industry and sold as a separate type of raw material.

Greentoken is not only a waste recycling plant, but a whole complex that not only can process MSW, but also produce a variety of products. For example, synthesis gas, energy sources and various kinds of chemical products.

Greentoken is an advanced project to process unsorted household, industrial and medical wastes. The aim of this project is to make recycled waste using innovative German technology – a pyrolysis reactor.

To ensure funding, Greentoken decided to use an eccentric approach – electricity derived from syngas was used to maintain the smooth operation of 6,000 cryptosystems. Cryptomining is a fairly popular practice that has developed over the past few years. This is a factory that produces bitcoin. The main difficulty is that such activities require high energy costs, making them most prevalent in countries with low caliber electricity prices. However, Greentoken solved this problem – because electricity is processed in a waste treatment plant, you can forget about energy consumption.

This project has keywords that “clean the planet”. And the proposed ICO procedure will utilize to develop optimal solutions for the incorporation of this project,

Details of

ICO Token Token: GTN
Number of tokens raised: 500,000,000 GTN
Token fee: $ 0.07
Pre-ICO period from 15/09/2018 to 15/10/2018
Total number of tokens allocated for pre-sale: 50 million
GTN Bonus:

Token Distribution:


The conclusion

Greentoken is the first project to use this unique recycling technology on an industrial scale. With the support of the government and venture capitalists, startup can ensure project execution with 10% of internal funds. Without external capital, the group will rely on venture capital and credit to complete the development.

Conclusively, Greentoken will be the biggest mining farm in Central Asia that is powered by free energy in an eco-friendly environment. The team behind the project is professionals which are dedicated to delivering the project expectation. Therefore, investors are welcomed to a project that is devoted to enhancing our environment and generating quality ROI for investors.

For more information about this project, visit the following link:

Website: https://greentoken.in/
White Paper: https://greentoken.in/doc/Eng-WP.pdf
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4899128
Twitter: https://twitter.com/greentokenin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Greentokenin/
Medium: https://medium.com/@greentokenin

Author : Bitcoin demon

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0.083 GOLOS
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