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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Проект BeEasy представляет собой комбинацию таких вещей, как добыча полезных ископаемых, фондовые биржи,

Greetings on my blog!

Today I would like to talk with you about such a campaign and an ICO like BeEasy. Why I chose this project for review. And the answer is very simple.

The amazing world of blockade and crypto-currency, in general, ripened from the beginning idea to full-fledged market insanity. All of us want to participate in the life of crypto-currency and block-crap and of course earn on it. Well, how to do it? How to start and how to figure it out? I tried to read various courses and climbed in many forums in the hope of learning something. I went to the stock exchange and made my first deposit and lost everything. Now we will have a chance to earn a crypto currency. In this we will help a platform like BeEasy!

The essence of the BeEasy project is the unification of such things as mining, stock exchange, charity, getting goods and services from project partners, withdrawal to Fiat and so on on one platform.

The BeEasy platform aims to be the first "One-stop-shop" ecosystem that provides a full range of crypto-related services through a user-friendly and easy-to-use user interface.

At the moment there are problems that you need to be well acquainted with all the subtleties of working with crypto currency to use the above listed services. And that to earn often you need to be a professional in this field. To study the market, exchanges and crypto currency, you need a lot of time and knowledge.

The BeEasy platform will be the optimal link between all the services that are used in the crypto world. In addition, the goal of the BeEasy platform is to make such a platform that the use of all these applications is intuitive even for beginners and traders and just people who want to understand the earnings in the crypto currency market. And to attract as many people as possible to develop the technology of blocking and crypto-currencies.

BeEasy also plans to create a number of products such as:

  • Multicurrency pool for mining and artificial intelligence, which will manage it.

  • A client-side web interface for their customers.

  • Use bot telegrams to monitor and control the operation of the device.

  • Apps on iOS and Android.

  • Cryptus exchange, which supports integration with the trading software.

EasyPool is a multicurrency pool for mining and a management system for mining. Client web service and software.

EasyTrade - Crypto currency exchange, which supports the integration of the trading software. Includes a web interface, as well as a mobile application and widget in the future.

Easy-Play is a mass product that includes a web interface and a custom application. It is an application through which users register in the system select the desired partner applications. Has the opportunity to track the status-bar mining, receive notification of its completion.

In addition to global products, there are several more narrowly focused ones.

EasyCare is a list of partner funds to which you can transfer charitable contributions and monitor their status. At the same time, the user essentially transfers to charity not the money, but the result of the work of his computer.

EasyFund - displays the state of the investment portfolio. It also provides an opportunity to invest, withdraw funds, receive information on profitability.

ICO - the period of carrying out 01.02.2018 - 30.04.2018.

Token: ETKN
Price during PreICO: 0.01 - 0.015 BTC
Price during ICO: 0.02 BTC
Payment is accepted: ETH, BTC
Hard cap: 3200 BTC
ETKN tokens are released on the basis of Ethereum according to the ERC20 standard. The total issue is 250,000 tokens. After the completion of the ICO, the token will be available through the EasyTrade module from the moment the exchange is launched.

The BeEasy project is a convenient one-window system that will allow users to perform basic operations with the crypto currency in a convenient way and through an intuitive interface. Beginners will be very useful platform BeEasy. You will be able to understand the crypto-currency world and you can earn with this platform. Also, experienced traders will be able to find a lot of new and interesting things with the BeEasy platform. So do not miss your chance to take advantage of this platform.

For a more detailed study of the project, please follow the links:

Website: https://beeasy.io/ru#ico
White Paper: https://beeasy.io/docs/whitepaper_en.pdf
BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2891481.msg29725351 # msg29725351
Telegram: https://t.me/beeasyicoeng
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/icobeeasy/
Twetter: https://twitter.com/BeEasy_ICO

The author of the article: Bitcoin demon

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