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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Hi readers, DABANKING project has brought good news to game lovers and the cryptoworld as a whole. Are you tired of getting involved in some unsuccessful blockchain projects? Are you tired of investing in projects without profiting from it? Are you a game lover and tired of the traditional gaming system with all its issues? Do you need a crypto Gaming project where you can earn some good passive income while having fun playing games? Are you a DApp Game developer and you needs a platform where you can conveniently develop an App for your Games? If “YES” is your answer to these questions then sit up and read this:

I have just discovered a unique project on the blockchain that has been designed to transform and add value to both the Game industry and the cryptoworld . This project is called DABANKING.
DABANKING is a Decentralized gaming platform uniquely designed for miners, token holders as well as DApp developers.

Leveraging on the innovative and disruptive features of the blockchain technology, DABANKING is creating a Decentralized Gaming platform where other new Game developers can build a Dapp at ease. Irrespective of the fact that the invention of internet led to the introduction and development of online Games, there are still a lot of challenges affecting the game industries which DABANKING is set to handle.


If this is the question running through your mind right now, the answer to your question is “YES” as we know one of the major problems associated with the traditional Gaming system is lack of transparency and fairness to players. Therefore, the first and most important uniqueness of DABANKING Decentralized gaming platform is the fact that DABANKING platform is built on the blockchain technology with the use of Ethereum smart contract which is characterized by transparency, trust, security and fairness. Where players are sure of getting their rewards accordingly in cryptocurrencies (both ETHand DAA)


Like I mentioned earlier on, DABANKING is not just another project on the blockchain, rather it is a Decentralized Gaming platform that will solve the problems that have hitherto hindered the adoption of the blockchain. You can imagine the number of game lovers globally, if and when these number of people decide to play games on DABANKING platform using cryptocurrency , the problem of poor adoption of the blockchain technology and the use of crypto currency will be a thing of the past . Therefore, apart from adding value to the Gaming industry, DABANKING with its innovative features will attract many individuals as well as big industries into the adoption of the blockchain technology and with DABANKING Decentralized DApp more interesting games will be introduced.


In all the traditional games you have been playing, you either win or lose, but on DABANKING FOMOGAME, as long as you have participated you are entitled to a reward. The high profitability brought about by DABANKING is something to be appreciated.

Isn’t it amazing that with a little amount as 0.002ETH a payer can win as much money as 650% of that amount and get paid instantly? This has never been seen in the traditional game system, even if the player wins, there will be issues in giving the reward. Can you now see why you need to join this trend? In a short while from now, DABANKING will be a house hold name globally when it comes to quality and interesting gaming system.

This is the right time to join the community. Win some DAA token just for participating in FOMO JACKPOT also earn some Eth every two weeks just by holding/ staking some DAA tokens without doing any other tasks. refer your friends and earn more rewards.

There are a lot of unique functions and features of DABANKING Decentralized Gaming platform that have not been mentioned here , I am only scratching the surface as long as this article is concern , please get a full dose of what this innovative project is all about from the website , whitepaper and social media using the links below.

Website: https://dabanking.io/
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/uqfMjYV
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/
Whitepaper: http://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2VYtVOV
Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io


USERNAME : Badboster
PROFILE : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2120022
ETH : 0xa189dB830FB8f21B0C93D2E4E8e7b5bf6799A00d

0.346 GOLOS
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