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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Status Security ID


Security tokens (STS) are revolutionary digital currencies that are focused on security, efficiency and accessibility throughout the world. It uses peer-to-peer technology running on the Ethereum block chain, which is fast and secure. STS not only recognizes early adopters and long-term holders, but will also be the first and only coin to distribute the "State-Based Incentive Program" (SBIP).

Security Signs (STS) Tokens unite stock exchanges, brokers, traders and investors into a decentralized, secure and transparent network. This revolutionary digital currency is oriented not only to security and efficiency, but also uses peer-to-peer technology to ensure availability and stability in the world in crypto-financial markets, which often change. Operating on the fast and safe block block of Ethereum, STS not only recognizes early adopters and long-term holders, but will also be the first to implement the Status-Based Incentive Program (SBIP) on the global market.


Now, along with the exponential growth of the crypto-currency sector and very similar to the ".com" hype in the late 1990s, the market described extremely volatile values. For example, every month 1000 new crypto-currencies are introduced. Thanks to the interstitial manipulation of their values ​​and the unreadable perception of the market, it has become too wild for the main financial community.

Ultimately, the complexity of the exchange, the need for reliable data, which in most cases are not available, the high risk of this currency, extreme market volatility and other practical difficulties, such as throwing coins with small market fluctuations, have been aggravated. This makes the purchase and storage of safe and diverse digital coin portfolios very difficult. The one that still prevents many investors from even plunging into the world of crypto currency.


The Security Status Identifier (STS) proposes to ensure stability and security in this highly volatile market, create a future in which for the first time experienced investors can enjoy the world while carrying out a portfolio of STS tokens.

How? Our team believes that by integrating with the advanced wallets technology, we will have the opportunity to implement a unique and never-observed state-based stimulation program (SBIP). Using this model, we can provide incentives to holders of STS tokens who are loyal to support the growth and integrity of our crypto currency.

Our SBIP will stimulate the growth of the coin value through public trust and the preservation of Token Token, just as bonds support the value based on the market share of the 500 largest public companies in the US (S & P 500). This methodology was idealized in the belief that there will always be uncertainty. There is no way to predict value or behavior in the crypto currency market.

However, by creating a community of investors who are given incentives to protect our coins, even in spite of market fluctuations, we can at least create stability around our own currency in this volatile environment.

Bitkoyn, as is known, was the victim of extreme market volatility. After reaching a staggering 19,783.21 dollars for the BTC on December 17, it fell to a mark of $ 5,000 in July 2018.

Indeed, the reduction accounts for several factors. However, one of the main reasons is mass deprivation - from collecting small profits to stop-loss. Imagine a world in which people know how HODL (Hold On for Dear Life). The system in which you win not only from the trade, but also from HODLing.


The STS Wallet application is your universal portal for storing, sending, tracking and, most importantly, betting for STS Token for long-term growth. It will be available for free for Android, iOS and Microsoft operating systems with an intuitive design that can be practically anything. The stacker will receive prizes in accordance with (1) the time of their accumulation and (2) the duration of the HODL.



Total Supply 10,000,000,000 STS
Contract Address 0x2193b9f2b5e5051e41c32c71b25587d6a6f045c8
Decimal 18
Type of ERC20 token, Deflation


Outstanding tokens (35%) Consist of the Investor Club (1.5B), Self-drop (1.5B) and airdrop (500M).
SBIP (20%). Bonus distribution is only for the benefits of
the SBIP community (10%). Returning to worthy people who work hard by promoting and facilitating the STS Project
Distribution team (10%) will be frozen at least a year of
external fees (10%) listing fees / promotion exchanges, gas fees, etc.
Special (15%) Plans yet. Can be allocated for SBIP, Token Burn, etc.


2018 Q1
Founded Status Security ™ Planning Phase
Studies Collecting team members and potential investors

2018 Q2
INTRODUCTION Implement the
STS token in the world
Expand the presence of STS in social networks
Expansion of the
STS team Official STS token Creation and development of the site

2018 Q3
www.ststoken.com website launch
Token / crowd financing
Introduction of the world's first and only "Status Based Incentive Program" (SBIP)
Planning and development of the official application of STS Desktop purse with the function of enabling SBIP.
The announcement of the first bank's exchange

2018 Q4
Token Sale / Crowdfunding ends
Planning and developing the official STS Token web wallet application with the SBIP socket function
Correcting errors and developing a Web wallet
Planning phase for a mobile wallet with SBIP function
More exchange ads and partner ads

TEAM safety status identifiers (TEAM) consist of a growing group of people who are passionate about the future of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency technologies.


To find more information from the STS project, please follow several sources for the following links:

Website: https://ststoken.com/
Technical paper: https://ststoken.com/STS%20White%20Paper%202018%20v2.0.pdf
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php? topic = 4935781.0
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ststoken
Telegram: https://t.me/STSTokenCommunity
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ststoken/

Author by: Apri222
Bitcointalk profile

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