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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Today in the review I will tell you about Bidium.io project decentralized platform on which customers have confidence that their money will not fly and on which we can freely trade and exchange in real value (Fiat currency) the project aims to offer or hire a freelancer without fees using blockchain technology.  Payment is made in bitcoins, epizodah, lithino and cryptomelane Bidium.

The platform aims to provide the best possible solution for sharing and combine it with the opportunity for employers to find and recognize precious freelance talents. The plus is that the processes will be recorded in the blockchain ensuring their full transparency and immutability. For use Bidium as a freelance platform employers and employees have to pay a Commission if we are to use the coin Bidium the fees will amount to only 0.1%, and other available cryptocurrencies for settlement will lead to a 1% Commission. Also, a trade fee of 0.05% will be charged for the use of the platform, but for the holders of BIDM tokens, the fee will be 0.01%. The main benefit for sellers is that they will receive 50% of the advertising profit regardless of whether their products are sold or not and if their products are sold even buyers will also receive 30% of the advertising profit if the product is sold. Sellers have the ability to sell different quantities of the same product on different slots.

The advantages of the platform

One of the main advantages of the platform is that it will facilitate quick and easy trading opportunities by reinvesting 50% of the revenue generated from the trade itself. In addition, the convenience of the block chain allows you to receive transaction fees when selling, hiring, trading and buying currency on the platform.

As we mentioned above, freelancing is one of the other important features that BIDIUM.io platform is going to provide. Through the use of a native token, both freelancers and employers will be able to fulfill their needs without having to pay huge transaction fees as in the currently existing talent markets.

The truth is that the project is trying to combine two features that are in great demand and quite convenient. They also appear to benefit enormously from the use of blockchain-based technology as it handles some of the major obstacles that currently apply to the relevant fields.

- decentralization-all information about transactions and transactions is stored in the blockchain sequence;

- functionality-operations can be carried out at any time convenient for users;

- efficiency-payment transactions do not require large amounts and do not take much time;

- fast payment-funds transfer is carried out with the help of smart contracts;

- peer-to-peer payment system involves payments without the participation of third parties;

- use Bidium secure wallet.

Token: BIDM;

Platform: Ethereum;

Type: ERS20;

Number of tokens: 1,000,000,000;

Price: 1 BIDM = 0.02 USD;

Possible attachments:ETH, BTC;

Country: India;

Participation restrictions: China, USA.

Project team

Nausheen Ahmad-Executive Director

Garima Singh-technical Director

John Shipmen-Blockchain Developer

Ashish Sharma is a Leading developer

Walo Boni-developer

Technical Director Bidium – Garima Singh it was developing a WhitePaper, business models, ICO.

Another representative of the development team is John Shipmen, who is responsible for the development of the blockchain chain for the Walo Boni project–another developer of the Bidium platform with extensive experience in blockchain technologies. 

Ashish Sharma - is a leading developer of Bidium, engaged in web design, creation of mobile applications, etc.


First of all, I am glad to see a new project that concerns services. I like how new projects are implemented in the form of services. I believe one of the vital factors that this project has been waiting for Amazon and ebay is the use of blockchain technology. Bidium is a decentralized platform on which customers have confidence that their money will not fly. Unlike amazon and ebay, the connection is only between sellers and buyers but the exchange of payments is invulnerable. Secondly, giant technologies can easily be intercepted by hackers. Unlike Bidium, They can provide reliable and secure services. I can say that Bidium can replace amazon and eBay in such a way that the transparency of costs and services is seen publicly. Bidium can outperform them. In fact Bidium has a wide range when it comes to the market. 

Here are some factors why bidium can become a future market for products and services:

1. Decentralized-using blockchain technology buyers and sellers can connect using the P2P network each stores each own copy of the data as all data is stored in the block chain.

2. Transparent and reliable since Bidium is produced using Dapps expect that fraudulent reviews and hidden costs will never exist.

3. Cryptocurrency is a trend nowadays – many people are involved in the crypto industry. It is possible that a freelancer can change his direction leading to a better Bidium future.

4. Secure wallet although amazon has used paypal as a medium of exchange we cannot deny the fact that it can easily be intercepted by hackers. Bidium uses an integrated mobile wallet which is mainly designed to accept and send payments. This shows that you will be able to transfer funds for goods or services to the application market in a secure and improved wallet.

Official website:  https://www.bidium.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.bidium.io/assets/documents/Whitepaper-Bidium-3.0.pdf
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3302414.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bidiumofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bidium
Telegram: https://t.me/Bidium 

Proof of authentication / author 

Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1058023

ETH      0x881f5B13B036E087D47eBFa86cD5fFae8131Ae98    

0.000 GOLOS
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