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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

RewardMob is an eSport & loyalty platform for mobile games


RewardMob Ticket SaleOn February 27th, 2018, RewardMob will be running a Tournament Ticket Sale. Tickets purchased during the sale can be used to enter our Pay-to-Play tournaments which will be run on the RewardMob mobile platform. 

The RewardMob Platform

RewardMob is a tournament-based eSport and loyalty program for mobile game developers. Our platform is fully integrated on the Waves blockchain allowing users to earn and win RMOB tokens – the RewardMob cryptocurrency token. 

Using our system, we can easily turn any mobile game into a free casual eSport. Rewards are earned when users play games that are integrated with our software.  Once a user has earned one or more rewards during a tournament, they can open them within the RewardMob app. Rewards can range from gift cards to our RMOB cryptocurrency tokens or simply points that help them move up the tournament leaderboard.  

Each tournament is customized for the game developer. Tournaments will range in duration and will have varying payout placement structures (i.e. top 10, top 50, etc.). Any users that place in the tournament are paid in RMOB tokens, cash or prizes from our sponsors. 

The RewardMob app is available on both: Google Play or the App Store and we encourage everyone to try it out! 

 Pay-to-Play Launch

Our Pay-to-Play model is ready for release!As our platform has already been built and is fully operational, we have no need to raise funds through a traditional Initial Coin Offering (ICO).We have therefore chosen a unique model to distribute our RMOB tokens. This will allow us to place focus on the fact that we already have a working token in place. 

Please see our white paper for additional information. 

Tournament Tickets

Tournament tickets will be required to enter our Pay-to-Play tournaments. The cost of each ticket is $1.00 USD.  While some tournaments will cost only one ticket to enter, others may require multiple tickets.  During the Ticket Sale, users can purchase tickets with Bitcoin, ETH, Waves, Visa & Mastercard.Tickets cannot be re-sold or traded, they can only be used to enter the Pay-to-Play tournaments. The tickets will have no expiration date.After our initial Ticket Sale is complete, tickets will only be able to be purchased with RMOB tokens.  

 Ticket Sale Versus Traditional ICO

We are often asked why we have chosen not to do a traditional ICO.  The RewardMob ticket sale allows us to attract real players and not speculators and allows us to build the critical mass of players and developers of great games.Our focus is to increase our user base organically by bringing the cryptocurrency and gaming worlds together through utilization of the Waves blockchain. 

Our goal is to make online gaming more profitable and more exciting for game developers and players alike.We generate revenue through use of our RMOB tokens, rather than through the sale of them. We are not simply looking to fund our project.Combined with the fact that our product is released and our token is fully integrated and working, this sets us apart from traditional ICOs.

We have chosen to capitalize on these differences and take a new and exciting approach. At a time when ICOs are facing much scrutinization and government regulation, we feel this is also the most secure approach for all participants.

The RewardMob team has worked diligently over the past two years to provide a product and project that we are very proud of and we feel others will believe in too. 

Website: https://ticketsale.rewardmob.com 

My BTT https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1058023

wawes 3P8E8F2tJnTEKD1cVJbo5REjuZ4THCwhLkQ 

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с November 2017
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