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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


What is Bitcoin Zero?

Bitcoin Zero (BCZ) is a research-driven platform with the mission to evaluate the implications of extreme supply deflation in the cryptocurrency market.
The Bitcoin Zero vision is to create a new system that will stimulate the market’s potential growth through deflationary events; increasing investor profitability. BCZ aims to develop the most deflated coin in the history of the cryptocurrency market and become the turning point of future cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin Zero is defined by its dedication to determine the effects of extreme scarcity to the cryptocurrency market. Using this research, known as Project Zero, Bitcoin Zero will create an application for future blockchain development. Project Zero is a unique, continuous and event-driven ‘buyback and token burn’ strategy. It is designed to evaluate the application of extreme scarcity to the market, ideally to the smallest possible amount.


Bitcoin Zero’s Project Zero, has a unique combination of token burn events that will reduce the market cap requirement to achieve an ideal multiplier. In layman’s term, we will reduce our supply through token burn events to help our investors increase their profit as much as possible. It will take less market cap to achieve x100.
Reducing the supply of BCZ tokens can result to the value of remaining individual BCZ tokens in the market to go up. Therefore, even in such cases as a stagnating market cap, you can still increase your potential profit.

Driven Deflation Events
Reducing the supply of BCZ tokens triggered by the Bonfire Event, will help the active price growth of individual BCZ tokens as a result of scarcity based on supply and demand laws.

Retention Buying Net
The buyback strategy of Project Zero will act to support the market as a failing and secure strategy to reduce investment losses during market downturns.

Marketcap is low
Bitcoin Zero will start with a low market cap that will allow investors with a higher ROI compared to high market caps. Now investors have the opportunity to grow their hard-to-reach investments by 2018 the cryptocurrency market


Campfire event
Bonfire events will destroy some tokens from buybacks, and tokens owned by the founders if needed. Theoretically reducing the supply of BCZ increases the value of individual tokens based on reduced inventory - if demand is kept constant. Announcements and countdowns for Bonfire Events will be aired on BCZ's official website and social media accounts.

Bitcoin Zero has been designed to support long-term and continuous supply burning events. The number of tokens to be burned will be announced by the Bitcoin Zero team via BCZ's official social media platform. The team will allocate a count of seven days before the event gives investors time to respond.

Purchase Program
Bitcoin Zero will start a buyback program based on the price of ethereum instead of the USD price. Therefore, the buyback strategy will be used to reduce losses in case of market losses to short-term investors and retain the ability of the Bitcoin Zero team to burn tokens.

Project Warlock
New event function designed to speed up the reduction of BCZ tokens. More information about Project Warlock will be released in mid-February 2018

Firestorm Event
Bonfire events are large scale in a row. Firestorm events will be held between Q2-Q3 2018. More information about Project Warlock will be released before the event.


The event of a campfire will reduce the supply of tokens to create scarcity. If demand is kept constant, due to irrelevance of prices in relation to demand, token prices will increase due to burns. A deficiency in the token supply will result in a left equilibrium shift, which will affect the new equilibrium thus increasing the market price.

• Equilibrium 1: Pre-burn pricing.
• Equilibrium 2: Post burn. New balance due to token supply reduction.
[2] Equilibrium: a state in which supply and demand are balanced.
Bitcoin Zero Burning Nero Project's strategy is experiencing extreme deflation due to a stimulated
BCZ Tokens deficit The reduction of BCZ tokens in the market (via Bonfire events) will be announced seven days before the event on the official website of BCZ and on social networking sites. Bitcoin Zero evaluates the transparency of its market, the number of tokens for recording, the method of roasting and redemption. Ads are documented and published.

Bitcoin Zero will do everything possible to ensure the reliability and reliability of evaluating future project plans. This article is not a statement of intent. It is based on assumptions that are considered the best prospect for the development of platforms and investors.


• 2017
Q4: Development of Project Zero

• 2018
Q1: BCZ Launch and Registration to Exchange
Commencement of Bonfire Events
Q2: Launching Project Warlock (new function)
Q3: Firestorm Event

For more information please visit the links below;

Website: http://bitcoinzero.net/
White Paper: http://bitcoinzero.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/BCZ-Whitepaper-v.1.4.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/bitcoinzero
Bitcoin Talk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2659183.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BitcoinZeroTeam/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/BitcoinZeroTeam
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/BitcoinZeroTeam

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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