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6 лет назад

Welt der Wunder - Technological breakthrough in the field of television technology!


Welt der Wunder TV is provision an ICO to build a fully modern
blockchain-managed true, trading and selling programrepresenting
big-standard tv size, representing the worldwide medium, VOD and
on-line recording publicizing spheres.

The Lather der Wunder group and monitory card unites any of the deepest world-wide feel to the MILC blockchain propose. The resulting program makes a recording allocation process that causes each the primary versions of agreement regulation available in a person-attached program both representing size holders and size emptors.

Through connecting pricing principles, people are capable to pursue specified and recognised criteria, patch besides having the facility representing person discussions. Representing instance, a program has pre-established intensity disregards that pursueindustry norms, so a person who gets various minutes from a businessperson receives primary reductions.

The speculate exercise of pricing is entranced away, handsome vendees and marketers crystalise pricing passages supported on the certain worldwideacceptable at the age representing the minded prerogative.

A program which automatizes the crucial contractual sections is
significant, nevertheless, the program desire not follow without the
essential name in the marketplace. Experienced media stands usually
just exercise with reknown suppliers and distributors where big
standard and delivering criteria in a lawfully amenable way is

Fewer trustworthy suppliersdeal size representing which they achieve not get essential allocation rights resulting in lawful defy representing the TV journalist. The created spot of Stripe der Wunder as good as the consultatory card of the MILC blockchain propose has the essential title in the business and decreases danger representing emptors and marketers.

Customers desire be capable to achieve occupation direct with the
possessor or the manufacturer of the media size with automatic, trust
for free safety of blockchain modified smartness agreement. This drop
a swarm of brokers and importantly cuts back the cost. Manufacturer,
holders, as good as additional daises that need size join in in this
imitation evenly.

The crucial superiority of the MILC – Blockchain allocation program Smartness agreement digest each primary sellingcircumstances representing marketers and vendees resulting in de luxe amenable, machine-driven dispatch.

The superiority representing both verge are apparent:

  • Sales information of person marketplaces are up-to year and
    diaphanous on the condition that pricing orien tation
  • The MILC blockchain allows the important utilisation term as
    pattern criteria patch departure choice spread for individual
  • The MILC blockchain allows picture of utilisation kinds
    oversubscribed and those yet available. This saves age
    representingvendees when stop defense the measure of a permission.
  • The MILC blockchain allows transparentness of existent selling
    acquiescing representing 2nd or 3rd assessment oscillation
  • The MILC blockchain and the Seam der Wun der progenitor get the
    title and constellation try feel to understate chancerepresenting
    vendees and marketers.

The size businessman pick the appropriate smartness agreement representing his selling purpose and allows his size via an upload to the program. His size is stored in the corrupt and a excavation put in writing with a decrease breakdown is discernibleon the program.

In method to get size, the change-person prefer the size with the correct permit parameters from the picture lib. The chosensize buoy be paying with diverse cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH…) and rescript (EUR, USD, CHF…).

The structured change API alterthe notes stream into MILCs, which
are administered proportionally via smartness agreement to the size
holders. Lateradvantageous expenditure, a also smartness agreement
trips the waiver of the size from the tv size database and allows it
to the change client in valid age.

The smartness agreement returns a flatbed price of 10% of the gross revenue representing the entitlement trading process. This is substantially under actual marketplace without presently (redundancy). The MILC production make known a modern formationof allocation appliance to the multi-million buck recording media marketplace composing immense possibilities, monumentalpossible representing basic proposers and other parents.

For recording store and media resources administration Edge der Wunder cooperates with valuable Nation businesspersonNATION TXT, as good as in-residence genius. NATION TXT is a company of the general Nation tv corporation and is a big wheelin the area of experienced program administration solving. NATION TXT directors the recording assets property and their fleshlyallocation representing Lather der Wunder.

Website: https://www.milc.global
Documents: https://welt-der-wunder.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/ico/pdfs/ICO_WhitePaper_WdW_EN.pdf?cache=7
Telegram: https://t.me/wdw_milc_en
Twitter : https://twitter.com/MicroLicCoin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MIcroLicensingCoin/
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2432428.0


✋🧒 Author: Сrypto888kenoby
Bitcointalk Username: crypto888kenoby
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1973923
ETH Address: 0xA9523555c999B8C371f7C4f29d56DCFb7BeF73E2

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