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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Akropolis - project overview

In this review it will be a question about such necessary thing in life of each person as pensions

All know that this problem is particularly acute presently very much. All perfectly understand that the existing nowadays pension funds can't provide pensioners in many respects. To a regret this sphere is very centralized and generally hidden from eyes of average citizens

All this arouses such mistrust to this sphere. It is worth noticing that today there is a set of the private pension funds which works according to the following scheme. These funds take payments from future pensioners in the future to pay them decent pension

Akropolis is the decentralized platform working in the sphere of provision of pensions constructed on modern Blockchain technology

The platform implies full decentralization It will be able to prevent frauds in the pension sphere It is worth noticing that the platform has such interesting technology as smart contract

This technology in turn has big advantage in the direction connected with financial activity. By means of these contracts there will be a possibility of tracking of all transactions happening on the platform. What will allow to avoid any frauds Participants of Akropolis will be divided into 5 main groups which will participate in functioning of the platform

Treat them

1. Individual user

The physical person having the purpose to keep and increase pension accumulation in the Akropolis system

2. Pension funds

The public or private pension funds which use the Akropolis platform for work. They create own funds and attract new natural persons

3. Asset tokenisers

Are intermediaries for ensuring digitization of real assets and confirmation their authenticity in case of request for it The natural person invests in a certain pension fund and asset tokenisers gives him tokens the number of whom equivalently enclosed sum
4. Fund managers

Are managing directors of the assets placed on the platform. Their direct task includes management of assets from individuals and investors

5. Developers

Are individuals and the companies which direct task includes development of the project and creation of additional functions on the platform which is among creation of various tools

Scheme of work of the platform

There is a wish to notice that Akpolis works according to General Data Protection Regulation As it has been told the platform built on Blockchain technology earlier and besides at her there are smarts contracts

On the platform there will be own token for commission of operations Personal data of users their translations are stored on platform servers. In general work of the platform is based on three main procedures

1. Onboarding

It is connected with registration of new users and loading of documents which are in turn uploaded on the platform only once further to the user the token for carrying out operations with fund manager is handed

2. Rеporting

Each user can elect to himself the fund the manager who will provide the report on portfolios of assets

3. Ranking and reptutaion This point is connected with delivery of a certain rating to users on the platform which is based on quantity of assets, rating and so on

Regarding safety on the platform that she here on the first place. Developers of the project do everything thus that the level of safety Akropolis was the most reliable and modern

Akropolis - more flexible platform than the non-state pension funds is easy to throw the existing tokens between projects. Systems are the cornerstone smart contracts and the decentralized transparent architecture a blockchain. Transactions, personal data of users and legal information are stored on servers.

Work with Akropolis is based on three procedures

Onboarding - Registration of new users and loading of documents is carried out once. Reporting-Fund Managers provide the report on portfolios of assets, each user can elect the necessary manager. And Ranking and Reputation - each user of the platform receives rating depending on quantity of assets of observance of requirements of the legislation, responses.

The project has chosen very difficult subject but really useful and perspective. Anyway the blockchain will gradually include all fields of activity of mankind so we will hope, the Akropolis team will be able to be fixed in the niche. The known fact – average life expectancy grows in the developed countries and the birth rate keeps at a low level therefore according to forecasts during long term the share of pensioners among the population will grow.


Further we will consider ICO of this project. On the platform there will be 2 types of a token: AKT and AIT - will be released in limited quantity and realized during sales on ICO

He will be able to be used for the purpose of payment of services to this platform. The price of a token will vary depending on fluctuations in the market of tokens

AIT will be a token with the established price which won't be subject to market fluctuations
It will be used for conducting accounting in the platform

Total of tokens of AKT: 900 000 000 AKT
Hardcap: $25 000 000
The cost of 1 token during sale: 1 AKT = $0.0690


I think all perfectly understand the situation happening to provision of pensions of the population. Bad situation in all this causes emergence of such project unique in character as Akropolis. It is obvious that the project is very perspective. Further I will leave necessary references

— Autor: upbit
— Donate: 0x4954c5CbB96ebD73EA18a1F3ECefc98362BF10F2

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с November 2017
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