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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

4NEW ICO — net energy for a kriptomayning

The Mining of cryptocurrencies depends on electricity and growth of his popularity always means that people have to use this resource more and more every day. But not a secret that energy costs much. Even when the mankind already has decisions to destroy some problems there is a shortage of tools (green energy is real but nobody knows as to use her in our everyday life). For this reason 4new has come to this world - to show everything that it is possible to use clever decisions for a mining without harm for the environment and besides with big advantage.

Garbage problem
The mankind has fact that it isn't necessary for it it is garbage. Ordinary people make garbage in tons and there is only one suitable place for him it is a dump. But here some interesting particulars which it would be useful to receive - it is ideal material for processing, the garbage has no cost and during utilization by burning it is possible to receive heat which can be transformed to energy.

Anyway there are some problems - air pollution and lack of the equipment for his control. At the same time system changes always cost much: the mankind wants to save the planet but high prices can stop them. With the help 4new and his programs it is possible to change a situation.

Decision 4new
It is important to define that 4new it is not the just exchange platform, it is the project with own technical solutions on processing of waste. The team has created a circle where people are united by one purpose – to make so that the garbage made profit. It looks quite simply

people provide waste;
special power plants are going to utilize it;
on the basis of heat which was transformed to energy people will receive free electricity;
energy will be directed to production;
users will be rewarded by cryptocurrency.

There is also other way – to buy the necessary number of kW for the cheapest production. But you shouldn't forget that each person makes a lot of garbage and it means that for a certain period it would be possible to use any decision. In both cases it results in excellent result.

Present that if people use around the world 4new! It would be quite good to divide him into private life and social. In private life it will look so - each piece of garbage will be used as a payment for electricity. As result it will be easy to bring to the world a new habit this division of waste into several groups for fast processing. Electricity becomes cheap and this person can use it for receiving profit - the additional source of earnings has brought new opportunities life.

In case it is about the social party: it is more than any garbage on streets. It is from this point favorable to keep the world clean because all garbage is a fuel for cheap energy. As a result we have the clean and healthy nature with a new way to earn money. The project has own decisions on processing without prejudice to air pollution - it is an important detail which does the project unique.

And in conclusion I want to tell

First of all it is important to note that initial investments are already collected and it means that at 4new there are already resources for construction of the first station of recycling. Very soon real profit and clever decisions of this team will win the hearts of people worldwide. I consider that the project 4new, is one of the most attractive to investment today. You will be able to get acquainted with all subtleties of the project 4new having followed the links below. Thanks for attention!

Website: https://4new.io
Whitepaper: https://4new.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/4New_White_Paper_English-.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/EgIZbBDLYGHlhtbSS58i-Q
ANN Theard https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2990989

— Autor: upbit
— Donate: 0x4954c5CbB96ebD73EA18a1F3ECefc98362BF10F2

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с November 2017
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