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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

P2PS - exchange of confidential information

We will provide an article to present the P2PS project to potential participants of the platform and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information below may be incomplete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main goal is to provide information to everyone so that they can determine if they want to analyze the company with the intention to get a token or to invest. The hope of joining this project is great for us, before you join, it will be better if you understand the project, besides it will help you better understand and improve information, especially if you understand the vision and mission of the project and add it to trust.

The confidentiality of digital data in the network is a feature of the secure and non-interfering P2PS communication system developed by the P2P Solutions Foundation. The confidentiality of digital data in the global network finds a new competitor in the world of cryptography. From the outset, the P2P Solutions Foundation team highlights a clear global challenge; everything that is in digital form is exchanged with anyone, anywhere, is not protected by any privacy standards. Including information exchanged in the company's networks (private intranets). Currently, the vast majority of activities on the Internet and intranets are constantly monitored. In certain bottlenecks, tracked information may be sensitive to detail. Thus, new models are needed to adequately protect the entire ecosystem.

This does not happen overnight, the ability to assert such solidity has its roots. An experienced group focused on creating a system that allows people to exchange confidential and digital assets without the intervention of third parties. The project is led by Jamil Sharif (CEO and Board Member); he is a third-generation entrepreneur and a visionary specialist with academic degrees from European and American educational institutions. Four years of study in the USA - Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBM) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Business Administration, also from the USA. Both BSBM and MBA were awarded to Jameel with the highest honor and honors of Summa Cum Laude. On the board we find an experienced team with Jan Scarff as a business ambassador; Ian is a renowned leading expert in bitcoin, blockchain and crypto, chief advisor number one in IEObench. David Drake, founder and president of LDJCapital. Sydney Ifergan, Experienced Top Consultant # 10 at IEObench as a member of the advisory board. Ken Tachibana, PLUS Technical and Finance Specialist, Advisor to the Advisory Board of the P2P Solutions Foundation. These details are the reasons for the great weight, the team begins with a proven base, people with an extensive career, solvency and commitment, rooted in this sector.

P2PS working principle

Access to the P2PS service is carried out through the eponymous token. The P2PS token will be the gateway for transactions within the network, and will also be the basis of the internal economy of the ecosystem. The P2PS Solutions Foundation, created for infrastructure development and being an independent body, is in close cooperation and partnership with ELI and ISI, which are pioneers in the field of peer-to-peer construction.

P2PS will be the most reliable, convenient, secure, fast, private and flexible exchange token that can be obtained and used by users on secure platforms without interfaces. it can also be used as a token that can be easily transferred to exchange other users in exchange for various goods or services from registered participants, which turns into purely decentralized cryptography.


P2PS = 0,03$

Soft Cap: 750 000$

Hard Cap: 50 000 000$

IEO: 27.04. - 30.06.2019

The project team

You can study this project by means of the technical documentation proposed in the resources listed below. Links which I have specially prepared for you.

Additional Information:

Website: https://p2psf.org

Whitepaper: https://www.p2psf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/P2PS_Whitepaper_V1.1_English.pdf

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2419138

Telegram: https://t.me/p2psCoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/p2psf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p2psf

My BTT profile: CryptoSam19 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2531795)

ETH: 0xaB45d7B3c5Baa3bb33DDe80230CaD983F669aAdF

0.363 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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