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6 лет назад

Capital Technologies & Research ico

Good evening, dear friends.Today, people can no longer do without such means of communication as a phone and a computer . Too big advantages gives us an opportunity of instant communication with close people and business partners. Moreover, contact with anyone can be maintained through the Internet. Capital Technologies & Research is an interesting project because now it will be much more profitable and safer to communicate.

Now around 8 billion smartphones are in constant use all over the world, and about 5 billion people communicate daily through these means of communication, exchange calls and messages with each other. But, unfortunately, communications are spent daily fabulous money. And the privacy of users and their phone conversations is almost zero – in order for all means of communication to work correctly, a lot of people are involved, through which confidential information passes. Thus, any data, voice calls and messages can be easily tracked, and the user is not protected at all. Capital Technologies & Research is an innovative project that will make calls completely private and untraceable.

Capital Technologies & Research will be the first decentralized private communication provider and will truly change the whole process of communication between people. The goal of the project is to make communication cheaper by reducing the cost of communication services and generally avoiding monthly payments, as well as to make the communication of users more confidential.
While using Capital Technologies & Research will be easy and simple. Over time, it is planned to release new devices for making calls – special applications "Capital" will be installed on the produced smartphones, and the company will begin to profit from the sale of these devices. Also, the income of developers will go through advertising. This is what will make communication cheaper directly for users. And the blockchain technology used will allow to achieve protection against data hacking.

According to the creators of the project, this is a new generation of communication, which also involves a system of rewards. Capital Technologies & Research will use its own tokens. Capital (CALL) will be the main one. CapitalGAS (CALLG) will become a kind of "fuel" for the system. Coin holders will be able to use all the services of the new service. By the way, payments will also be completely anonymous – this will be achieved thanks to the technology of zk-SNARKs.
Capital Technologies & Research project appeared in Romania. But experienced specialists from 4 countries – USA, Pakistan, China and Romania are working on it.

Project details:
Tokens: Capital (CALL) and CapitalGAS (CALLG)
Total number of tokens: 105 000 000 CALL and 21 000 000 000 CALLG
Number available for ICO: 52 500 000 CALL and 10 500 000 000 CALLG
Cost: $1.5 - $4
Minimum investment: 0.01 ETH
Maximum investment: 1500 ETH
Each user who purchased 1 CALL will receive 200 CALLG. 1 CALL = 200 CALLG.

It is interesting that before such projects in the world of blockchain technology was not yet. It seems that in the light of recent events, Capital Technologies & Research will be very popular among users, because everyone wants to save on communication and keep their personal conversations secret.

There are some doubts about the admissibility of the presence of uncontrolled and independent operators in the communication market. The fight against terrorism and other arguments of opponents of free and closed communication channels have so far sufficient support in society, which is intimidated by explosions and killings of civilians. There is certainly a need for compromise solutions, because nothing will prevent the use of such a relationship by any associal elements.

More information can be found at the links below:

Website : https://www.mycapitalco.in/?utm_term=bounty

Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ETXUZ3Neorpip0M1Re-5guaTYWCNTZVD/view

Telegram : https://t.me/capital_technologies

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/capital.technologies.research

Twitter : https://twitter.com/capital_company

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3270130
Author of article: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951


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