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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Previously, it was difficult to determine the usefulness of cryptocurrency in modern life. Now it has reached many areas of activity. Accordingly, there is a situation that requires the search for solutions and new technologies that will ensure their availability for ordinary people.
DARB is the world's first blockchain asset platform designed specifically for everyone. The team calls in the first place all those wishing to join the community of DARB and get money for the use of the platform. In addition, it offers a unique opportunity to manage your crypto assets, trade, take care of your portfolio and learn from professionals.

By the way, here are the proven tips of professionals that will help determine the future users of the platform:
1 The earlier you join the team, the more tokens you will receive. As you know early users in any business always win.
2 in addition, the more people will sign up for the platform that grows in proportion to the earnings.
3 With each next step your income will increase. Despite the fact that due to the increase in complexity, fewer tokens will be generated, but the share of income will remain the same and may even be more — up to 50%.
4 Another advice to try to act productively on the platform is to trade, exchange, sell, buy. This will allow you to easily and cheaply increase the internal token of the DARB platform.
5 Invite your friends and acquaintances to increase the volume of the platform, and earn money through the growth of the platform.
Now let's look at how easy and simple it is to operate on the platform. Still not difficult, the process of earnings.
First of all, you need to register on the DARB platform. This is not so difficult to do in fact and will take no more than 30 seconds. The process itself is very fast you can even connect your account to Facebook or Google.
In the second place to make transactions. Each trade transaction produces a DARB token which will be distributed between both parties to the transaction. 65% will get the maker and 35% for the taker.
Third on the platform every day to count the income, then from 35% to 50% distributed between the holders of the token DARB. This share of income will be distributed in ETH.
In addition, the top 50 users who own the largest number of darb tokens will be invited as members of the Advisory Board and assist in the development of the platform. This list will be updated every month.

Consider some more features that may attract specialists:
1 Architecture of the platform. The architecture is designed from the ground up. All aspects such as stability, speed, scalability, security are taken into account. Some elements will be taken from the experience of the most successful companies.
2 platform Engine is very fast. It is capable of processing 3.700,000 orders per second. For comparison Visa - 1667 and MasterCard - 5000+
3 Safety. The DARB platform is built to the highest standards. The most modern security technologies are used that can stop any hacker attack.
Penetration testing and vulnerability remediation are ongoing.
4 Low fees. DARB is by far the cheapest cryptocurrency exchange on the market. The Commission will vary depending on the volume of the transaction.
5 Test account. For those who want to try and learn there is an opportunity to create a demo account and trade without stress.
6 round-the-Clock user support. Experienced staff at any time will come to the rescue and answer any difficult questions.
7 Can be solistice your personal token. For a small fee, the platform may contain your ERC20 standard token that meets all the criteria and rules for placing tokens on the exchange.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the platform has a professional team, a clear development plan, ideological and relevance of the problem. This in turn makes DARB an advanced platform aimed at big plans.
🔗 Website: https://darbfinance.com/
🔗 White Paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XX8DxYjmyXUYPwb8Qxy_kFzRf3s0_edT3yeRChxKNAM/edit?usp=sharing
🔗 Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceDarb
🔗 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DARBFinance
🔗 Telegram: https://t.me/DARBFinanceOfficial
🔗 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/darb-finance/
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951
ETH : 0x295aca7dDA69533Ca78410Da4fcC5EE2BAFd1545

0.261 GOLOS
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