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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Diet Bitcoin


Greetings to you my dear readers.Today I present a new and unique project.as the block chain domain continues to grow, the need for new fork forks becomes inevitable as existing structures cannot accommodate new users at an effective rate.The project is headed by a famous and authoritative person. I think that the project will have a huge and successful future.Having studied the roadmap more closely, we will immediately see the prospects of the project. I think listing on the stock exchange will not keep you waiting.Just look, the project promises to eliminate all the shortcomings of the usual bitcoin, and I do not much doubt that the team will succeed.And I see it as a perfect bitcoin. What is particularly attracted to the project, so it is a very good conditions of sale, the product is offered at the lowest price and given the emerging HYIP, as I see it, you can make good money. And if you walk a token for several years, you can become fabulously rich. And the sooner you enter the project, the more profit will be received.

Diet Bitcoin Is a new BTC fork created by Roberto Escobar, the younger brother of the famous cocaine drug Lord and cult figure Pablo Escobar. According to his website, Roberto claims that other virtual currencies such as ETH LTC are constantly flagged and targeted by Federal agencies and are therefore subject to systemic inefficiencies.

However, the Sejm Bitcoin, he promises, acts in such a way that it is completely independent and is not affected by the invasion of a third party.

What is offered?

Unique business model:
DietBitcoin (DDX) https://www.dietbitcoinico.org/ , as mentioned earlier, is a hard fork of Bitcoin, and currently runs using the ICO Tokens are being sold at a discount of 96% of the declared value in the amount of $ 50 to promote initial sales volume.
Proof of inflation:
In order to limit the problems associated with cash flow, only 1000 000 tokens were created and provided to the masses.
The native network deploys independent nodes that can securely validate transactions as well as internal data flows.
Non-profit resources:
Frame, expanded Diet of Bitcoin allows it to be suitable for use in a whole range of digital devices.
Other key aspects of

Incentive-based economy:
Through the use of a three-tier remuneration structure, the platform is able to adequately compensate all network members in a fair and equitable manner.
The underappreciated side of this currency is that it can be easily used for enterprise-wide use.
Of course, this platform is fully decentralized and, thus, provides users with a high level of transparency and overall security.
In General, the total amount of 1 000,0000 tokens will be provided, which will be available to potential investors. The sale will be negotiated through a series of three sales periods during which different discounts and benefits will be available.
These include:

Pre-ICO https://www.dietbitcoinico.org/:
This is the first sale that will allow users to purchase the first 300,000 DDX tokens. During this period, the discount is 96% and each token is available for a small amount of 2.
pre-ICO of the second level:
During this sales period, another 300,000 tokens will be issued for public use. Each token will be available at a price of $ 100 during this round.
Main sales:
During this period, the remaining 400,000 coins will be sold. Each token will be available at a price of $ 1,000.

Road map:

December 2017
The idea and development of the coin

January 2018
Platform test

February 2018
The launch of the platform and platform development
Released Block Explorer

October 2018.
ICO Crowdsale is complete
Released main client for Windows / Linux / OSX
Listing on Coinmarketcap
Listing on stock exchanges
Extraction of minerals
Runs a web wallet

March 2018.
The beginning of the ICO Crowdsale
Exchange platform opened
Released an Android wallet
IOS wallet released

November 2018, and further
The development of open source
Increase network speed

December 2018
The announcement of the network Protocol

Detailed information:

Web site: https://www.dietbitcoinico.org
Technical document: https://www.dietbitcoinico.org/ddx.pdf
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Dietbitcoin-681493872233752
Twitter: https://twitter.com/diet_bitcoin
Telegram: https://t.me/ddxofficial


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На Golos с March 2018
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