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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



I welcome you my dear friends.Today I want to tell you about a very promising project. JUNO is a football Academy that uses blockchain technology to bring together all the children of the world.
The world's largest and fastest growing network of football academies for children with blockchain-based business rules.
Make your choice - choose the next region to expand our network!
WHO WE are WE are We are the largest network of football academies for children in the world.
Over the past year, we have expanded to 12 new countries. Cm. The current list of academies, are presented in Annex 1. Our partners, not us, own most of our academies.
There is a list of queues for the right to work of new academies, and their price has increased fivefold in 3 years.
We are so good that our students ' parents present an average satisfaction rate of 9.9 (out of 10) in our mobile app.
We have developed our own ERP education system to manage the work of academies
Our dream and our goal is to be present in every community on Earth where there are children.
We are launching the ICO to implement the Blockchain and expanded in the following five macro-regions.
You can purchase tokens of a specific region that you want to support.
The expansion campaign will start after receiving sufficient support.
Our vision
We strive to become a supranational organization.
Over the past year, we have expanded to 12 new countries. Cm. The current list of academies, are presented in Annex 1. Our partners, not us, own most of our academies.
There is a list of queues for the right to work of new academies, and their price has increased fivefold in 3 years.
We are so good that our students ' parents present an average satisfaction rate of 9.9 (out of 10) in our mobile app.
Our dream and our goal is to be present in every community on Earth where there are children.
We are launching the ICO to implement the Blockchain and expanded in the following five macro-regions.
You can purchase tokens of a specific region that you want to support.
The expansion campaign will start after receiving sufficient support. Our vision is that our structure should not be in a single jurisdiction. We strive to create a truly global world without any political, legal and geographical boundaries.
Due to local regulation at some point in time it is too difficult to expand the franchise model.
For example, Malaysia has very strict franchise laws that require bureaucratic procedures that take at least 6 months to complete and an obligation to register each subsequent franchisee through a government body. If in neighboring Singapore nothing is required. Due to local regulation, it is sometimes overly difficult to expand with a franchising model.
Moreover, some governments are more inclined to protect a certain party to the agreement.
Another example is Indonesia, where the government imposed a 20% tax on all foreign brands as protectionist measures, which in our case slow down the development of sports for children.
We re-invest part of the funds from the sold territories in the product, invite stars, invest in technologies such as sports tracker, expand our marketing materials base and increase the marketing budget. Thanks to our automation system, 40 academies require only one brand Manager.
The average monthly royalty is $ 200 and the salary of the brand Manager is $ 1500, so we can invest a lot in development, expand it Department, invest in the development of training and marketing methodology, so our products are constantly improving and therefore appreciate in prices.
In the countries of the former USSR, the price for the territory increased 4 times in 3 years. In Southeast Asia the price has increased in 2 times in 6 months. The local success of the project leads inexorably to higher prices.

Website: https://juno.team/

Whitepaper: https://juno.team/docs/JunoWhitepaper.pdf



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