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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



Dear subscribers, I offer your attention a very unique project. And what exactly is the uniqueness and details of the ICo I will tell you later.
The Internet has grown, and its reach has virtually swept the world. This allowed people to trade and contribute to the cause across borders without restrictions incurred under the existing system. Blockchain technology has provided users with a lot of responsibility, confidentiality and transparency. There are many cryptocurrencies and related exchanges. The main problem that afflicts these exchanges is that they are often limited to one or a limited number of crypto-currency and currency currencies.

Oodlbit this is based on US exchange of cryptocurrency, which is expected to begin in 2019. Oodlbit's mission is to introduce new technologies to users, provide faster transactions, provide more equitable payment and provide comprehensive support to users.

Oodlbit Features

Oodlbit allows users to trade several popular digital assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and EOS on its high-speed processor. This gives users different options and efficient transactions at a time.

Security is of paramount importance to Oodlbit, and to ensure the safety of the user Oodlbit conducts frequent audits and security reviews of all personal information and facilities.

The problem that most investors face is deciding where and how to invest. Ooodlbit solves this problem by providing users with a fully equipped set of the best charting tools available that can be used to visualize the market and trends. This allows users to make informed decisions and make the best use of their assets.

Oodlbit also provides users with rewards and benefits with flat and reduced trading fees when they use OODL as their payment method.

Oodlbit offers APIs that developers can use to create high-quality third-party apps that can be used as algorithmic trading bots, monitoring tools and more.

Oodlbit also offers users different types of orders to meet the requirements of the scenario. Types of orders: Limit, Market and Stop Loss.

Oodl coin

OODL Coin is its own cryptocurrency available for use on the Oodlbit platform. It is a trading currency built on the Ethereum platform, which along with providing its utility to Oodlbit users can also be used in the real world, which gives it value as a digital asset.

Users OODL entitled to reduce the transaction fees on Oodlbit. No matter how large the transaction is, the maximum transaction fee charged to OODL coin users is $ 20. Other users will be charged a transaction fee of 0.20% to 0.26% depending on the transaction size and currency used. Users who make multiple transactions per day will notice that using the OODL coin allows them to receive a 50% discount on trading fees.

Users can vote for their favorite currencies with the OODL coin and promote the growth of the ecosystem and community.


Over the past few years, cryptocurrency has witnessed numerous attacks, leading to large-scale loss of funds. No security can provide 100% data and media protection, but Oodlbit is working to provide optimal security for users at all times. The security system provided to users includes:

SMS and two-factor authentication (2FA) at all stages of the trading cycle or within the platform.

Systems capable of detecting unusual or malicious activities such as change IP address, change the user name and fancy trading platforms.

The user's funds are stored in a lump storage wallet from live servers and can only be accessed by authorized officials from the Oodlbit team.

To avoid interruptions in transactions, Oodlbit's operational servers are protected by Anti-DDoS services.

The mission and the team

Oodlbit is a US-based business founded by Nikolai Dooley, with the goal of providing users with a fast, reliable, fair and secure trading platform built on the best technology and supported by the best. Team Oodlbit includes traders, engineers, investors and innovators who strive to create a better user experience, using available knowledge.

Oodlbit claims that its mission is to treat users as they would like to treat themselves and have fun while doing positive, creative work with everything that will help shape a better future.

Read more about Oodlbit:

Official website: https://www.oodlebit.com
Legal compliance: https://www.oodlebit.com/legal.php
ANN Subject: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic= 4725007.0
Telegram: https://t.me/oodlebit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oodlebit


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