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Welcome my dear readers, beginners and experienced investors.I continue the series of reviews.And today I offer you a new project.Well, let's start studying, but we'll start with the introduction.Recently, there have been changes in the technological sphere ! After all, imagine for a minute, before we used push-button phones, smartphones could not even dream of.. We couldn't even dream of blockchain technology.And now look around robotization, artificial intelligence and these technologies are already used in everyday life .Yes, even what simplicity electronic queue, buy tickets online. And swci with these people took the presence of ubiquitous Internet. After all, many even work remotely, and they need to get state services, read the mail, and even make primitive purchases. And remember the Internet technology at the very beginning of its inception, it is primarily slow modems, routers and we could not dream of.And now the Internet is calling us everywhere, there is access to transport, shops, cafes and restaurants.Where it is possible to use it, having made not big purchase.Of course, you say, but what about mobile Internet? And I will answer you, first mobile operator is not available everywhere,packages are provided autumn expensive.And about roaming and to speak not worth it.And with the search for a solution to this problem, I began to study cryptocurrency projects.
The project I want to tell you about today is proudly called StacksCity. And you probably have questions, and what is it, than it is useful to us and it is not Scam? And I will try in this review to answer your questions, If you tell in brief, the StacksCity, it is a decentralized platform, which is a set of intelligent stacks that provide wide access to high-speed , high-quality and universally available WI-FI. Stackscity is able to provide us with a reliable and secure connection to the Internet of things, as well as transfer data within the system, forming a new era of intelligent WI-FI. You can not be afraid of the fact that when paying by credit card your data will be stolen and later all itchy money disappear from Bank cards.

StacksCity the project intends to create a network anywhere the network is available.And indeed, the concept of the project is unique.The most important thing is that the team would have enough money and time to implement.The principle of the network is based on the ideology of decentralization a, access is carried out thanks to the platform token.

Advantages and features
You will have questions most likely, what kind of token is it, and suddenly it will be expensive.And I understand you, these questions are very pertinent.

first, StacksCity will be the most accessible and accessible for each of you;
secondly, for those institutions that want to install this stack from StacksCity will operate its own system of privileges and benefits, which not only guarantees its users good access to WI-FI, but also receive additional income from advertisers;
and thirdly, since we are talking about advertisers, and for them StacksCity is a separate benefit, as well as a pleasant environment for the implementation of its advertising content. After all, thanks to the web platform, brands will be able to choose one or another stack from StacksCity and broadcast their advertising through it. That in turn will allow to work more effectively, as all stacks will have their own geolocation location, by which brands will be able to determine the radius of their influence, as well as the category of the quarter and the audience surrounding the stack. That is, an audience with the same interests is gathered.

All of this is intended to create a solid mutually beneficial network within which mutual assistance and mutual benefit will operate. At the same time, all transactions will be carried out directly without intermediaries, which, of course, will reduce all current expenses of advertisers, Wi-Fi users and other users of the system.
the mission is to perform all financial transactions to pay for the services offered by the system.
Well, now it's time to tell you about the token of the project, which is called SCT, it will be developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain, the ERC-20 standard. In total, the issue of the token is colossal, and is the budget of a small state, the amount of about 40 billion dollars with an initial cost of $0.001 per 1 coin.
Let's summarize
also provide a large number of points of quality and affordable WI-Fi. Of course, proposed at the end of the review official
Let's summarize the findings of the project.First of all, this technology is unique.The Internet will be in demand for a long time,and this means that there will be a demand for the token.The team over the project is serious, and in the implementation of all conceived, the project will have a huge success.Most importantly, as I said earlier to the team, it takes time and money to implement.And not to succumb to the temptation of quick profit.Investment attractiveness is very good, I think the risks are at an average level.Well, I wish you to experience the project, buy tokens and watch the development of this project.More detailed information can be found on the following resources:
Everyone, see you soon and remember, investing in cryptocurrency is both a risk and an opportunity to earn good money
Official resources of the StacksCity project:
Official website: https://www.stackscity.com/downtown
Telegram: https://t.me/StacksCity
TELEGRAM [channel]: https://t.me/StacksCity_ANN
Presentation: https://www.stackscity.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/STACKS-PITCH-DECK-v.1.34.pdf
Anne thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5091562
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/stackscity/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/StacksCity_ANN
Medium: https://medium.com/@stackscityacc
GITHUB: https://github.com/StacksCityProject
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile; u=1725951
ETH: 0x295aca7dDA69533Ca78410Da4fcC5Ee2bafd1545


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