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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



The decentralized Winnest platform is not just an online business platform, Winnest is also a social network that allows each of its stakeholders to contribute to the optimal performance of the network. Collectivization of the earnings system based on the exchange of services allows everyone to see the reward for their actions regardless of their financial resources. Any user without upfront investment will be able to see how his profit grows in accordance with the size of contributions to the community. Sponsorship allows each reseller to receive a percentage of the sales volume produced by their network. Each share helps to strengthen the network ecosystem, and each user connection increases the number of transactions and profits.


Key features of Winnest
On the Winnest platform, sharing social media posts is not just a way to recommend specific content to your friends, but a way to generate revenue from each sale of that content. The amount of income is 10% of the price of the sold product, which will be instantly credited to the virtual wallet using WNC-encryption. WNC is not just a one-time investment, but a long-term placement.

Winnest Advantages
Winnest offers the opportunity to interact on the platform through separate missions with two or more people as well as whole groups that will allow you to upgrade, win TWNC and become influential at the moment. In accordance with the reputation, bonuses can be sent in a certain direction: increasing the position for a few days, financing the sponsorship of the product or obtaining a high rank for a certain period. The implementation of a hierarchical system of user ranks allows you to quickly increase revenue in accordance with the rating of the user in the network. Winnest's simple and intuitive interface allows you to monitor the exchange rates, the level of evolution of the user in the market and the size of its network in real time. Artificial intelligence platform will offer a variety of missions to expand the network of influence and increase revenue.

Winnest also introduces an innovative feature on various online sales platforms, paying for sponsorship. Now anyone can sponsor products with their loyalty tokens to increase their visibility on the home screen (they will be displayed on the welcome banner). If the product is sold through sponsorship, then there is a chance to win all TWNC invested in the sponsorship of the product. A token of loyalty or TWNC is the credits that the user will obtain systematically in each of their contribution to the work of the network. During a purchase or sale made through promotion or sponsorship of the product, tokens will be distributed to all users who have made the transaction possible, after a proportional redistribution at the level of participation in sales and throughout the platform.


In one of its most interesting features, Winnest allows influencers to sell WNC or TWNC ad spots on their news feeds (depending on their network of followers). The user can buy visibility and make targeted publications on interests and location in the network of influential people. to increase the coverage, the buyer may also add to the budget in TWNC by exchanging messages. Winnest revolutionizes the way information is transmitted and opens the boundaries of General and targeted advertising.

Cryptocurrency Winnest
Transactions are carried out through the currency – WNC tokens. Based on the Ethereum Protocol, WNC provides secure exchanges thanks to Blockchain-based. In total, 5 billion tokens were sent for sale, of which 1 billion will be available within the pre-ICO. Preliminary sales will be held from October 15 to November 12. The main crowdsale will be held from November 15 to January 10, 2019. Softcap project is $ 2.5 million, hardcap - $ 20.5 million. The fixed price of one token is $ 0.005.

The outcome of the review Winnest
Thus, the Winnest platform, regardless of the size of the initial investment, guarantees profit to the participant. Thanks to the revolutionary encryption technology, all transactions on the project are carried out directly from user to user according to the P2P scheme without the participation of an intermediary. Significant savings can increase the purchasing power of the user.

The development of the market began in February 2017, and has successfully passed the tests of the digital wallet platform. In October, a public presentation of the project and the subsequent launch of beta testing are being prepared for release. At the beginning of 2019, it is planned to launch the full functionality of the project with the possibility of buying WNC on leading exchanges.

Website: http://winnest.io
WhitePaper: http://winnest.io/docs/WHITEPAPER-ENGLISH.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/winnestICO
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WinnestInnov/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WinnestInnov
Medium: https://medium.com/winnest-io
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5015610.0
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=980049


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