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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

"BitGuild" ICO LIVE.

Hello. Today I already told you about BitGuild, but I was interested in the platform and I will write to you about it again.
BitGuild is a playground designed to save from onerous fees, fraud and rules when creating a tokenized gaming market.
The BitGuild project team plans to bring the gambling industry up to $ 100 billion per year, through the developed Platform for games built on the blockbuster, where the relationship between gamers, developers and traffic will be completely changed.

What does BitGuild offer?
The main tasks of the BitGuild project are changing the foundation of video games in real time. The game on the BitGuild site will receive its new birth, with the goal that the characters, items and assets in the games become the only one of its kind and accessible. This as a result for the players forms some power over the game process. Objects or tools in games will begin to present themselves as tokens on the blockroom. Players will own it, they can save it or even trade it, depending on what the player needs at the moment. There will no longer be players tied to excessive restrictions on what they can and can not do with their virtual elements in the game - or even between games. The possibilities and consequences of the presence of a real network of games created on the blockroom are 99% limitless, and BitGuild wants to implement it.
Let's consider what major problems the project plans to solve for today are:
Mobility and convenience in game operations are absent, game conditions and frequent deceptions inside very much disappoint companies and communities. Means, accounts or items are not transferred among games, which means that the game loses its purpose and eventually ceases to exist.

BitGuild project offers the following solutions:

  • For games, use a system of smart contracts that will accept PLAT tokens, and will be able to own symbolized elements of games that can be sold and participate in the game.
  • For a market field, create a virtual asset on the basis of the BitGuild site, which will be able to sell and buy tokens at the auction. The auctions will be distributed and created through smart protocols.
  • For transactions, gamers can easily buy games, tokens and traffic, while their costs will be significantly reduced.
  • For communities, provide a field for the relationship between game traffic and gamers. The global goal is to improve the world's large-scale community.
  • The project team will provide a transparent vision of how the online games, their traffic, and its shell are funded, using PLAT tokens.
  • WEB-Wallet platform will differ from what is already familiar to us, it will display permanent tokens, for example, such as objects or tools in games.
    The first game launched on the BitGuild platform will be BitGuild: The Game. A game in which players create unique personal avatars that can accumulate unique items through extraction, processing and fighting.

Token: PLAT
Ethereum Platform
Type ERC20
Price: 80000 PLAT = 1 ETH
Main sale: Start of the 15.03.18 End of the day 05.04.18
Possible attachments: ETH
Number of tokens for sale: 4500000000

The minimum investment is 0.5ETH.
Tokens will be distributed as follows:


0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с July 2017
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