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6 лет назад

"ICOVO" World’s First ICO Platform Implementing DAICO. ICO LIVE!

Hello dear friends, guests and subscribers of my Golos blog. Today i wanna tell you about ICOVO.
For today in the world already probably there was no person who would hear nothing about cryptocurrency. Some are skeptical, considering all this as a bubble and deceit, others have already earned a fortune on this. Some enter the cryptocurrency in small amounts to get quick money, and those who have solid financial resources tend to give long-term investments in order to receive super-profits. Big money always means big risks. To date, there are no guarantees that the investor will not lose his money by investing in the next ICO. And even in the most seemingly reliable projects, no one can guarantee you 100% that one of the founders of the project will not wipe out with all the crews assembled somewhere in Hawaii. In general, the ICO market today literally teems with various kinds of scammers, which in the future even under the law to hold accountable will not be so simple, because laws as such in this area does not exist. All this gave rise to a huge amount of scum. How to be? How to protect your investments? The ICOVO project team offered a way out of this situation, this promising project will be discussed today.

ICOVO https://icovo.co/ is the first innovative platform in the world thanks to which it will be possible to solve all existing problems of ICO projects and provide maximum protection for investors. All this will be possible due to the introduction of a new DAICOVO smart contract, based on the DAICO algorithm. This concept was invented in January 2018 by the creator of the Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, and shared his idea at the Ethereum Research forum.

Vitalik proposes the introduction of a contract with the following specifics:

  • in the periods of the primary location of the tokens, the creators will not have access to the collected funds and coins;
  • the tokens sold during the ICO period will be frozen so that the developers can not implement them immediately after the completion of the token;
  • all the funds collected during the sale period will accumulate within the smart contract and be unlocked for issuance to the developers in several stages;
  • in cases where the team could not collect software, all the collected investments will be automatically returned to investors;
  • If the project reaches the hardcap, all sales will automatically stop.

Among other things, investors will be given the opportunity to manage all collected funds. Also, investors will be able to participate in the development processes, deciding where to specifically send money and what amounts to allocate for this. All this will be possible due to the DAICO contract, which will prescribe the ability to manage the collected funds through voting for investors where 1 token = 1 vote. Smart contract DAICO will help make investing in ICO projects safe, which in turn will increase the number of people willing to try themselves in this matter.

Local Wallet. The presence of this local purse in the ICOV application on smartphones will provide all its users with secure storage and constant monitoring of investments in real time.
Unifying Formats. The company's website will have a reminder for beginners in the form of a set of short instructions through which the processes of investing in ICO projects will become simple and understandable for those who have just embarked on this path.
KYC. Developers want to make a kind of passport so that investors in ICO projects do not have to undergo an individual verification procedure each time. From now on the sales participants will only have to go through this procedure once in the application, in the future ICOVO will send verification information to all new emerging startups.

Investors will no longer have problems associated with the loss of their deposits in cases of project failures. Thanks to the smart DAICOVO contract, all investors' funds will be returned to their wallets automatically.
At the moment it is quite difficult to determine the known benches ICO. The ICOVO team found a solution, the platform will have open information about KYC / AML and project progress.
Today photos of passports for the procedure of verification of identity can be easily falsified using Photoshop. ICOVO will install the KYC photodetector in its application, which will prevent photo editing.
White paper can be changed at any time and corrected as it will be convenient for the organizers of the project. In the COVO Web, Blockchain and IPFS are used, this approach makes it impossible to interfere with technical documentation.

To summarize, I would like to say that the cryptocurrency world needs regulation for a long time and the ICOVO https://icovo.co/ platform will help greatly improve the life of the entire crypto community, reduce risks, increase the degree of confidence in the whole of the cryptocurrency, help increase interest in this type of assets and bring the moment when the cryptocurrency will become a legal tender throughout the world.

Website: https://icovo.co/
Whitepaper: https://icovo.co/whitepaper/20180620_icovo_wp_service_en.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICOVOCO
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/icovoco/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ICOVO/
Telegram: https://t.me/icovoco
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4468796.0

diimazavr https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1080044

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