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6 лет назад

"ThinkCoin" TradeConnect will bring trading to the future. ICO LIVE.

Hi my dear friends and guests, this article will wrote about ThinkCoin.
ThinkCoin is a project that will simplify the life of cryptocurrency traders and will open an opportunity for convenient trade in cryptocurrency assets.

In many trading markets, banks and financial institutions dominate, and traders often suffer from this. This means high trading fees and relatively slow processing of transactions. It can also restrict access to certain traders in world markets, and in the worst case, these banks and financial institutions that act as intermediaries and brokers actively manipulate the market to their advantage (at the expense of independent traders). This is exactly what the developers of this project say.
The problems of trading for today are:
• excessive payments;
• dishonest influence;
• old technology.

The only solution is to stop trading with intermediaries, simply remove them from this scheme and make a platform based on the blockchain. ThinkCoin is a new blockchain project designed to help traders. The platform will analyze the data, provide all possible tools, while everything will be automated, convenient and intuitive.

ThinkCoin is a token that manages the TradeConnect network, a blockchain based trading platform that will support the trading of any financial product - assets, securities, forex and goods - in a way that is transparent, fast and affordable. The platform creates equal conditions for the game, allowing small investors to participate in the sale of expensive assets without a huge entrance fee. The network automatically matches the seller to the buyer, and then makes the transaction through mixed chain and off-line transactions that are designed to provide maximum transparency and security while providing instant trading.

Finance is stored in intellectual contracts and is automatically released when the transaction is concluded, there are no fees other than a small single charge that is divided between:
• the buyer (25%);
• the seller (50%);
• TradeConnect network (25%).

To understand the principle of the platform, you can give an example. Let's say a trader wants to buy Google shares, but he only has a few hundred dollars to invest. He can not afford to buy a whole share, and traditional markets will not sell shares, so he uses his money to buy ThinkCoin and enter the TradeConnect network. From there, he places an order for fractional "Micro Shares", which he needs, and the network automatically compares it with the best-price seller, who has a share in which the trader needs. Trading is done quickly and automatically, and the trader does not worry about the fairness of the transaction, thanks to the security and transparency of smart contracts.

One of the features of the TradeConnect network will be unique "points" assigned to traders by machine learning algorithms that track user transactions and evaluate their success. Traders will be evaluated by two different algorithms:
• quality of trade;
• price.

The main purpose of these algorithms is to facilitate automatic matching of buyers and sellers so that users can enjoy fast and perfect peer-to-peer matching when they want to make a deal. The trade quality algorithm will track a particular transaction over time and evaluate the quality of the trade based on comparison with the trades of other traders in the pool. The price algorithm will track the prices traded by a particular trader, compared to other prices accepted by other traders in the pool. Both indicators give market participants a better idea of who they are dealing with and allow them to adjust the parameters of this trade accordingly. For example, a trader can restrict trade to only high-quality sellers, to reduce a single charge.

ThinkCoin (TCO) is the ERC-20 token, which is currently in pre-production. It is valued at $ 0.3, payable by BTC, ETH, BCH and fiat money.
Soft Cap $ 5 million, Hard Cap $ 30 million. The funds raised will be directed mainly to marketing, acquiring new users and development.
ThinkCoin and the TradeConnect network are an experienced team, an already running MVP application and a detailed roadmap. Therefore, their ICO definitely should pay attention.

Website: https://www.thinkcoin.io/
Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/qgyaq2y
Telegram: https://t.me/thinkcointoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThinkCoinToken
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThinkCoinToken/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3077146.0

diimazavr https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1080044

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